Kuliah ke-8 (Pn Nor Sakinah Mohamad)
Analisis data
- Analisis data = proses menggunakan data utk memberi maklumat berguna untuk mencadangkan kesimpulan & menyokong keputusan yang akan dibuat seterusnya. [Pastikan ada sekurang-kurangnya 3 atau lebih jenis data unuk dianalisis]
- Data Kualitatif (teks, pemerhatian dengan makna-makna tersirat) & Data Kuantitatif (yang mempunyai angka) boleh dipersembahkan secara grafik (jadual, gambar) untuk membantu proses analisis
- Mencari pola & kategori, persamaan, terangkan trnd & pertanyaan, katalogkan pemerhatian, membilang & membandingkan serta membuat anggaran.
Langkah Analisis Data Kualitatif
1st Langkah:
- Tengok secara lalu maklumbalas
- Mengambil nota atas tema yang muncul, isu/factor yang kamu dengar
- Mencari item yang berulang/penting
2nd Langkah:
- Pilih 3 atau 4 tema/kategori yang muncul & membina matriks
- cuba buat carta bukti berkaitan dengan tema utama
- tempatkan tema kategori di atas & senaraikan pelajar di tepinya
- boleh gunakan warna kod utk setiap kategori yang berlainan
3rd Langkah:
- bincangkan tinjauan dengan pendidik lain
- baca tinjauan (soal selidik), highliht kata kunci yang berkaitan dengan tema/kategori yng telah dikenalpasti
- rekodkan dapatan (data) dalam kotak bersesuaian dalam carta matriks yang dibina
4th Langkah:
- Tanya diri sendiri (apa yang telah saya dapat)
- Rekodkan pemerhatian pola yang muncul semasa melihat matriks: Pola Konsep & Pola Sikap
- Tuli/rekod pemerhatian bawah matriks (bawah carta matriks)
- Cth: Siapa yang cakap lebih banyak antara 2 pelajar
- ’Takut” sentiasa disebut beberapa kali
- Sokongan bacaan jurnal (bandingkan dapatan diri dengan dapatan orang lain)
5th Langkah:
- Apa kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat
- Rekod kesimpulan samada bawah matriks/atas kertas yang berlainan
6th Langkah:
- Apa langkah yang seterusnya yang boleh dibuat?
i. Tinjauan (soal selidik lain)/temubual/penilaian
ii. Semak semula persoalan kajian
iii. Bina modul/akiviti
- Jangan lupa rekod apa yang dibuat dalam matriks
- Apakah maklumat yang masih diperlukan
i. Atas pelajar
ii. Atas kaedah
iii. Maklumat latar belakang untuk tajuk ini
Kegunaan Data Dalam Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle
1. Plan (perancangan)
- nilai & ringkaskan semua data yang kita ada
- analisis & kenalpasti tema utama
- kenalpasti sumber data yang akan memberikan ukuran progress penambahbaikan
2. Do
- kumpul data
- buat kajian rintis untuk memastikan strategi pengukuran dipenuhi
3. Study
- analisis data yang telah dikumpulkan & membuat kesimpulan
4. Act
- kenalpasti soalan tambahan
- rancang untuk penambahbaikan berterusan dalam penyelidikan tindakan
- kita mungkin tak dapat keputusan yang dikehendaki
- dapatan kajian bertujuan untuk memberi panduan & memperbaiki pengajaran kita seterusnya
1. Panduan untuk analisis data
- Rekabentuk pendekatan sistematik, simpan semua data
- cuba faham maklumat yang ingin disampaikan oleh data
- cari tema & pola
- susun data berdasarkan apa yang dipelajari daripada data
- masukkan semua data, termasuk data yang tidak menyokong apa yang kita cari
- baca & baca data >1 kali
- bina imej visual
- tulis nota ringkas untuk diri sendiri
- kongsi dapatan, perbincangan akan timbulkan soalan baru
- ‘let data speaks to you’
2. Proses analisis data
- analisis semua data & buat nota sepanjang masa
- cari tema & pola
- ringkaskan tema kepada 3-5 idea
- lihat kembali data & semak tema-tema yang telah dibuat
- bina subtema jika perlu
- simpan nota secara berterusan, malah dapatan kadangkala boleh mengejutkan
- semak maklumat untuk mencari idea baru yang kerap/dominan muncul
- kenalpasti poin utama
- cari maklumat untuk sokong dapatan kajian
Friday, June 19, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Kuliah ke-7 (Hjh Halimah Harun)
Kuliah ke-7 (Hjh Halimah Harun)
This lecture was continued on with proposal presentation. A few groups were being selected for the presentation. Below are the main content of those proposals being presented today:
1. Meningkatkan ketepatan bacaan Al-Quran di kalangan pelajar tingkatan 2 Bijak dengan kaedah tutor sebaya (peer-teaching)
- melibatkan 30 orang pelajar
- 1 minggu 1 kali (2 jam) selepas waktu pembelajaran
- lokasi: surau
- guru yang menentukan tajuk yang akan diajar
- prosedur: memberi pre-test untuk mengenalpasti 15 pelajar dengan bacaan terbaik untuk menjadi ketua, melatih 15 pelajar berkenaan selama sebulan, memberi ujian khas kepada ketua-ketua, mengagihkan pelajar dalam kelas kepada pasangan dengan nisbah 1 ketua kepada 1 pelajar
2. Meningkatkan penguasaan domain bahasa Arab...
- 2 kitaran:
1. Pemerhatian (response murid semasa P&P, meneliti latihan murid, memberikan pre-test kepada murid)
2. Mengimplikasikan teknik lagu, menemubual pelajar, memberikan pasca-ujian kepada murid
Komen pensyarah:
- menggunakan domain untuk mencipta lirik lagu yang berkaitan kehidupan harian
3. Meningkatkan pembelajaran Geografi pelajar tingkatan 3 melalui kaedah Explore-geo
- melibakan pengumpulan hasil perbincangan guru-guru Geografi tentang kaedah dan instrumen yang sesuai untuk membangunkan CD_rom (PPT)
- PPT à mengandungi gambar-gambar keadaan sebenar kawasan Malaysia
à setiap checkpoint mengandungi soalan berkaitan iklim, bentuk muka bumi, hasil mineral dsb
à setiap soalan membawa markah untuk dikumpulkan oleh setiap kumpulan pelajar
- dijalankan selama 2 bulan di dalam bilik ayangan/bilik komputer, pelajar diagihkan kepada kumpulan kecil
- selepas 2 bulan, refleksi guru dan penilaian guru dilakukan
- pengumpulan data secara pemerhatian, soal selidik, temubual dengan pelajar (seluruh proses akan dirakamkan)
4. Meningkatkan penglibatan pelajar perempuan dalam Kadet Polis
- Pegawai Polis dari PDRM akan dijemput untuk me,beri ceramah, mengajar kawad kaki, cara pemasangan khemah sepanjang tempoh orientasi
- Pertandingan diadakan dan pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan borang penilaian dan borang pendaftaran
Komen pensyarah:
- Pengumpulan data survey ini bukan merupakan Kajian Tindakan kerana ia tidak mencadangkan indakan yang akan diambil unuk melakukan penambahbaikan
5. Peningkatan penguasaan topik Sains dalam tingkatan 2 melalui kaedah permainan tubular
- melibatkan 20 pelajar, 2 kitaran, 3 perjumpaan selama 2 minggu
- 1st perjumpaan: guru menerangkan topik secara kuliah
- 2nd perjumpaan: guru menerangkan aktiviti kepada pelajar
- 3rd perjumpaan: mengadakan aktiviti
- guru menggunakan nota lapangan untuk mencatat hasi aktiviti, rakaman video dilakukan sepanjang aktiviti)
6. Meningkatkan pencapaian pelajar tingkatan 5 dalam petikan melayu klasik melalui kaedah Think-Pair-Share
- dijalankan selama 6 bulan, melibatkan bentuk kolaboratif (sesama guru BM) & ko-operatif
- melibatkan 5 kelas dengan 30 pelajar setiap kelas, 3 guru
- memberikan pre-test kepada pelajar, mengimplikasikan kaedah Think-Pair-Share, memberikan kuiz (untuk pengumpulan data)
Komen pensyarah:
- prosedur salah kerana dalam Kajian Tindakan, tiada pre-test dan post-test
7. Meningkatkan perbendaharaan kata dan sebutan Bahasa Inggeris melalui kaedah simulasi watak
- melibatkan 30 orang pelajar tingkatan 1
- melibatkan 2 kitaran:
1. mengagihkan kumpulan (3 orang sekumpulan), setiap kumpulan mengambil kad berwatak, membincang sesama ahli kumpulan, melakonkan waak berkenaan
2. kumpulan melakukan watak kumpulan lain
- pengumpulan data: pemerhatian (video tape), penilaian prestasi pelajar, mengadakan ujian lisan sebelum dan selepas aktiviti
After the proposal presentation session, the lecturer started to teach on the ways for preparing proposal. There are all together 7 chapters need to be included into a formal action research proposal, which shown as below:
Bab 1:
- latar belakang kajian -> apa yang telah orang lain buat
- tujuan -> untuk apa kajian ini dibuat
- rasional -> mengapa kajian dibuat (...... maka saya cadangkan supaya kajian tindakan ini dibuat untuk menigkatkan penguasaan BI melalui nyanyian)
- objektif
- persoalan kajian (research question) -> wajib ada (contoh: Adakah kaedah role-play dapat menarik minat pelajar? Adakah ia dapat meningka prestasi pelajar?)
Bab 2:
- Literature -> tak boleh membuat anggapan, mesti ada rujukan untuk menyokong
Bab 3:
- Prosedur kajian -> mesti terperinci, tentang aktiviti yang akan dijalankan (rancangan harian mengajar, contoh ABM, langkah-langkah kajian yang dijalankan)
Bab 4:
- Pengumpulan data -> tidak patut ada pre-test dan post-test, harus menggunakan baseline data sebagai cerapan data awal (survey, temu bual yang mendalam dsb)
- Pemerhatian -> wajib bagi pengumpulan data kualitatif
- Student journal ->Student review selepas suatu jangka masa kajian tindakan dijalankan
- Pembentangan data melalui gambar, hasil pelajar (student output), video tape (kaedah pengumpulan data yang paling berkesan)
- Soal selidik tidak sesuai jika n<30
- Mesti ada checklist
Bab 5:
- Dapatan kajian -> analisis data (selalu berdasarkan persoalan kajian)
Bab 6:
- Perbincangan
Besides proposals presentation and lecture on ways to prepare proposal, we have had a Quiz before the end of this lecture. The quiz is as below:
1. Nyatakan perbezaan antara kajian tindakan dengan kaedah eksperimen.
- Kajian tindakan merupakan suatu penyelidikan yang dijalankan oleh seseorang penyelidik ke atas sesuatu yang berlaku atas dirinya. Kaedah eksperimen ialah penyelidikan terhadap sesuatu perkara yang berlaku atas diri orang lain.
- Kajian tindakan tiada hipotesis. Kaedah eksprimen mempunyai hipotesis.
- Kajian tindakan wajib ada persoalan kajian. Kaedah eksperimen tidak menitikberatkan persoalan kajian.
- Kajian tindakan tidak menggunakan pre-test dan post-test dalam pengumpulan data, tetapi menggunakan baseline data. Kaedah eksperimen menggunakan pre-test dan post-test sebagai instrumen pengumpulan data.
- Kajian tindakan bertujuan untuk menambahbaikan aktiviti P&P. Kaedah eksperimen bertujuan untuk membuktikan samada sesuatu hipotesis ditolak atau diterima.
2. Apa itu baseline data?
- Data awal yang dicerap sebelum sesuatu tindakan penambahbaikan diimplimentasikan.
3. Nyatakna persoalan kajian bagi kajian tindakan yang akan anda lakukan.
- Adakah kaedah nyanyian dapat meningkatkan penguasaan tajuk ini di kalangan pelajar tingkatan 3 Anggerik?
A special way of conducting her part of lectures...we were only taught about the ways of writing a proper action research proposal during the 3rd lecture, which is also the last lecture by this lecturer. It seems that her part is solely covering proposal writing. Well, to me, as long as the objectives of her part of lectures have being achieved, she has done her part. I too, as long as I get what the lecturer intend to teach, I have benefited from the lectures.
This lecture was continued on with proposal presentation. A few groups were being selected for the presentation. Below are the main content of those proposals being presented today:
1. Meningkatkan ketepatan bacaan Al-Quran di kalangan pelajar tingkatan 2 Bijak dengan kaedah tutor sebaya (peer-teaching)
- melibatkan 30 orang pelajar
- 1 minggu 1 kali (2 jam) selepas waktu pembelajaran
- lokasi: surau
- guru yang menentukan tajuk yang akan diajar
- prosedur: memberi pre-test untuk mengenalpasti 15 pelajar dengan bacaan terbaik untuk menjadi ketua, melatih 15 pelajar berkenaan selama sebulan, memberi ujian khas kepada ketua-ketua, mengagihkan pelajar dalam kelas kepada pasangan dengan nisbah 1 ketua kepada 1 pelajar
2. Meningkatkan penguasaan domain bahasa Arab...
- 2 kitaran:
1. Pemerhatian (response murid semasa P&P, meneliti latihan murid, memberikan pre-test kepada murid)
2. Mengimplikasikan teknik lagu, menemubual pelajar, memberikan pasca-ujian kepada murid
Komen pensyarah:
- menggunakan domain untuk mencipta lirik lagu yang berkaitan kehidupan harian
3. Meningkatkan pembelajaran Geografi pelajar tingkatan 3 melalui kaedah Explore-geo
- melibakan pengumpulan hasil perbincangan guru-guru Geografi tentang kaedah dan instrumen yang sesuai untuk membangunkan CD_rom (PPT)
- PPT à mengandungi gambar-gambar keadaan sebenar kawasan Malaysia
à setiap checkpoint mengandungi soalan berkaitan iklim, bentuk muka bumi, hasil mineral dsb
à setiap soalan membawa markah untuk dikumpulkan oleh setiap kumpulan pelajar
- dijalankan selama 2 bulan di dalam bilik ayangan/bilik komputer, pelajar diagihkan kepada kumpulan kecil
- selepas 2 bulan, refleksi guru dan penilaian guru dilakukan
- pengumpulan data secara pemerhatian, soal selidik, temubual dengan pelajar (seluruh proses akan dirakamkan)
4. Meningkatkan penglibatan pelajar perempuan dalam Kadet Polis
- Pegawai Polis dari PDRM akan dijemput untuk me,beri ceramah, mengajar kawad kaki, cara pemasangan khemah sepanjang tempoh orientasi
- Pertandingan diadakan dan pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan borang penilaian dan borang pendaftaran
Komen pensyarah:
- Pengumpulan data survey ini bukan merupakan Kajian Tindakan kerana ia tidak mencadangkan indakan yang akan diambil unuk melakukan penambahbaikan
5. Peningkatan penguasaan topik Sains dalam tingkatan 2 melalui kaedah permainan tubular
- melibatkan 20 pelajar, 2 kitaran, 3 perjumpaan selama 2 minggu
- 1st perjumpaan: guru menerangkan topik secara kuliah
- 2nd perjumpaan: guru menerangkan aktiviti kepada pelajar
- 3rd perjumpaan: mengadakan aktiviti
- guru menggunakan nota lapangan untuk mencatat hasi aktiviti, rakaman video dilakukan sepanjang aktiviti)
6. Meningkatkan pencapaian pelajar tingkatan 5 dalam petikan melayu klasik melalui kaedah Think-Pair-Share
- dijalankan selama 6 bulan, melibatkan bentuk kolaboratif (sesama guru BM) & ko-operatif
- melibatkan 5 kelas dengan 30 pelajar setiap kelas, 3 guru
- memberikan pre-test kepada pelajar, mengimplikasikan kaedah Think-Pair-Share, memberikan kuiz (untuk pengumpulan data)
Komen pensyarah:
- prosedur salah kerana dalam Kajian Tindakan, tiada pre-test dan post-test
7. Meningkatkan perbendaharaan kata dan sebutan Bahasa Inggeris melalui kaedah simulasi watak
- melibatkan 30 orang pelajar tingkatan 1
- melibatkan 2 kitaran:
1. mengagihkan kumpulan (3 orang sekumpulan), setiap kumpulan mengambil kad berwatak, membincang sesama ahli kumpulan, melakonkan waak berkenaan
2. kumpulan melakukan watak kumpulan lain
- pengumpulan data: pemerhatian (video tape), penilaian prestasi pelajar, mengadakan ujian lisan sebelum dan selepas aktiviti
After the proposal presentation session, the lecturer started to teach on the ways for preparing proposal. There are all together 7 chapters need to be included into a formal action research proposal, which shown as below:
Bab 1:
- latar belakang kajian -> apa yang telah orang lain buat
- tujuan -> untuk apa kajian ini dibuat
- rasional -> mengapa kajian dibuat (...... maka saya cadangkan supaya kajian tindakan ini dibuat untuk menigkatkan penguasaan BI melalui nyanyian)
- objektif
- persoalan kajian (research question) -> wajib ada (contoh: Adakah kaedah role-play dapat menarik minat pelajar? Adakah ia dapat meningka prestasi pelajar?)
Bab 2:
- Literature -> tak boleh membuat anggapan, mesti ada rujukan untuk menyokong
Bab 3:
- Prosedur kajian -> mesti terperinci, tentang aktiviti yang akan dijalankan (rancangan harian mengajar, contoh ABM, langkah-langkah kajian yang dijalankan)
Bab 4:
- Pengumpulan data -> tidak patut ada pre-test dan post-test, harus menggunakan baseline data sebagai cerapan data awal (survey, temu bual yang mendalam dsb)
- Pemerhatian -> wajib bagi pengumpulan data kualitatif
- Student journal ->Student review selepas suatu jangka masa kajian tindakan dijalankan
- Pembentangan data melalui gambar, hasil pelajar (student output), video tape (kaedah pengumpulan data yang paling berkesan)
- Soal selidik tidak sesuai jika n<30
- Mesti ada checklist
Bab 5:
- Dapatan kajian -> analisis data (selalu berdasarkan persoalan kajian)
Bab 6:
- Perbincangan
Besides proposals presentation and lecture on ways to prepare proposal, we have had a Quiz before the end of this lecture. The quiz is as below:
1. Nyatakan perbezaan antara kajian tindakan dengan kaedah eksperimen.
- Kajian tindakan merupakan suatu penyelidikan yang dijalankan oleh seseorang penyelidik ke atas sesuatu yang berlaku atas dirinya. Kaedah eksperimen ialah penyelidikan terhadap sesuatu perkara yang berlaku atas diri orang lain.
- Kajian tindakan tiada hipotesis. Kaedah eksprimen mempunyai hipotesis.
- Kajian tindakan wajib ada persoalan kajian. Kaedah eksperimen tidak menitikberatkan persoalan kajian.
- Kajian tindakan tidak menggunakan pre-test dan post-test dalam pengumpulan data, tetapi menggunakan baseline data. Kaedah eksperimen menggunakan pre-test dan post-test sebagai instrumen pengumpulan data.
- Kajian tindakan bertujuan untuk menambahbaikan aktiviti P&P. Kaedah eksperimen bertujuan untuk membuktikan samada sesuatu hipotesis ditolak atau diterima.
2. Apa itu baseline data?
- Data awal yang dicerap sebelum sesuatu tindakan penambahbaikan diimplimentasikan.
3. Nyatakna persoalan kajian bagi kajian tindakan yang akan anda lakukan.
- Adakah kaedah nyanyian dapat meningkatkan penguasaan tajuk ini di kalangan pelajar tingkatan 3 Anggerik?
A special way of conducting her part of lectures...we were only taught about the ways of writing a proper action research proposal during the 3rd lecture, which is also the last lecture by this lecturer. It seems that her part is solely covering proposal writing. Well, to me, as long as the objectives of her part of lectures have being achieved, she has done her part. I too, as long as I get what the lecturer intend to teach, I have benefited from the lectures.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Kuliah ke-6 (Hjh Halimah Harun)
Kuliah ke-6 (Hjh Halimah Harun)
This lecture seemed to be a sharing section for the proposals we hand in last Thursday. Some of the groups were called up by the lecturer to present their proposal regarding action research. Below are some details about the 5 proposals being selected for presentation:
(i) Peningkatan Penghayatan pelajar dalam mata pelajaran Sejarah melalui kaedah komik
- mengalakkan pelajar mencipta komik berdasarkan peristiwa-peristiwa sejarah
- tiada instrument yang tetap unuk mengumpul dan menganalisis data
- contohnya komik mengenai Tun Mahathir
Cadangan/komen pensyarah:
- tajuk proposal seharusnya ditukar kepada Peningkatan Minat pelajar dalam mata pelajaran Sejarah melalui kaedah komik
- boleh menggunakan komik LAT, Aku Budak Minang, Gila-Gila dsb dalam P&P
(ii) Peningkatan Prestasi pelajar dalam Kesusasteraan Melayu melalui kaedah Pertandingan Puisi
- seting kajian: 4 checkpoint (aktiviti luar bilik darjah, setiap checkpoint 40 min)
- penilaian secara penggunaan rubrik (penghayatan, terjemahan puisi, kreativiti, kostum dsb) untuk mengukur minat pelajar
Cadangan/komen pensyarah:
- tempoh setiap kajian tindakan (checkpoint) harus dipanjangkan
- persembahan pada akhir penilaian dibuat secara besar-besaran di dalam sekolah
- merakam persembahan bagi analisis data
(iii) Peningkatan Penggunaan Kata Kunci dalam Penulisan Esei mata pelajaran Biologi menggunakan kaedah reka cipta lagu bagi pelajar Tingkatan 4
- pelajar mencipta lagu menggunakan kata kunci yang dipelajari
- pengukuran menggunakan pre-test dan post-test
(iv) Peningkatan Kemahiran Menyangga Bola dalam aktiviti Bola Tampar
- fokus kepada pelajar Tingkatan 2 (2 kelas dengan jumlah pelajar seramai 60 orang)
- menggunakan masa sebanyak 3 kali pertemuan
- kaedah: demo, pemerhatian dan ujian
- guru akan menunjukkan kaedah menyangga, setiap pelajar bergilir untuk melakukannya
- penilaian secara pemerhatian
Cadangan/komen pensyarah:
- ini bukan merupakan satu kajian tindakan sebab teknik menyangga bola boleh dilaih melalui latih tubi yang kerap
- kajian tindakan patut diubah menjadi Penglibatan Guru dalam aktiviti Sukan bagi Meningkatkan Prestasi Sukan Pelajar
(v) Peningkatan Penguasaan Cara Sebutan (Diction Pronounciation) Bahasa Inggeris di kalangan Pelajar tahun 2
- procedure perlaksaan: Smart Reader, ujian, nyanyian, peer teaching
- kumpul data secara temubual, ujian dan pemerhatian
- penilaian: mengadakan minggu bahasa, pertandingan dsb
Cadangan/komen pensyarah:
- sebelum program dilaksanakan, guru perlu menarik minat pelajar terlebih dahulu dan memberi keyakinan
- boleh membuat rakaman semasa pengumpulan data
Before dismiss, we were required to write an essay to express our feeling towards these few week’s lectures regarding action research, as our assignment.
In my essay, I have included my points of view regarding the lectures being conducted this few weeks. I have expressed my feelings and thoughts honestly, and if there do have marks applicable on our essays….sincerely hope that the lecturer wont penalize me for writing too frankly.
Till then, that’s all about this lecture.
This lecture seemed to be a sharing section for the proposals we hand in last Thursday. Some of the groups were called up by the lecturer to present their proposal regarding action research. Below are some details about the 5 proposals being selected for presentation:
(i) Peningkatan Penghayatan pelajar dalam mata pelajaran Sejarah melalui kaedah komik
- mengalakkan pelajar mencipta komik berdasarkan peristiwa-peristiwa sejarah
- tiada instrument yang tetap unuk mengumpul dan menganalisis data
- contohnya komik mengenai Tun Mahathir
Cadangan/komen pensyarah:
- tajuk proposal seharusnya ditukar kepada Peningkatan Minat pelajar dalam mata pelajaran Sejarah melalui kaedah komik
- boleh menggunakan komik LAT, Aku Budak Minang, Gila-Gila dsb dalam P&P
(ii) Peningkatan Prestasi pelajar dalam Kesusasteraan Melayu melalui kaedah Pertandingan Puisi
- seting kajian: 4 checkpoint (aktiviti luar bilik darjah, setiap checkpoint 40 min)
- penilaian secara penggunaan rubrik (penghayatan, terjemahan puisi, kreativiti, kostum dsb) untuk mengukur minat pelajar
Cadangan/komen pensyarah:
- tempoh setiap kajian tindakan (checkpoint) harus dipanjangkan
- persembahan pada akhir penilaian dibuat secara besar-besaran di dalam sekolah
- merakam persembahan bagi analisis data
(iii) Peningkatan Penggunaan Kata Kunci dalam Penulisan Esei mata pelajaran Biologi menggunakan kaedah reka cipta lagu bagi pelajar Tingkatan 4
- pelajar mencipta lagu menggunakan kata kunci yang dipelajari
- pengukuran menggunakan pre-test dan post-test
(iv) Peningkatan Kemahiran Menyangga Bola dalam aktiviti Bola Tampar
- fokus kepada pelajar Tingkatan 2 (2 kelas dengan jumlah pelajar seramai 60 orang)
- menggunakan masa sebanyak 3 kali pertemuan
- kaedah: demo, pemerhatian dan ujian
- guru akan menunjukkan kaedah menyangga, setiap pelajar bergilir untuk melakukannya
- penilaian secara pemerhatian
Cadangan/komen pensyarah:
- ini bukan merupakan satu kajian tindakan sebab teknik menyangga bola boleh dilaih melalui latih tubi yang kerap
- kajian tindakan patut diubah menjadi Penglibatan Guru dalam aktiviti Sukan bagi Meningkatkan Prestasi Sukan Pelajar
(v) Peningkatan Penguasaan Cara Sebutan (Diction Pronounciation) Bahasa Inggeris di kalangan Pelajar tahun 2
- procedure perlaksaan: Smart Reader, ujian, nyanyian, peer teaching
- kumpul data secara temubual, ujian dan pemerhatian
- penilaian: mengadakan minggu bahasa, pertandingan dsb
Cadangan/komen pensyarah:
- sebelum program dilaksanakan, guru perlu menarik minat pelajar terlebih dahulu dan memberi keyakinan
- boleh membuat rakaman semasa pengumpulan data
Before dismiss, we were required to write an essay to express our feeling towards these few week’s lectures regarding action research, as our assignment.
In my essay, I have included my points of view regarding the lectures being conducted this few weeks. I have expressed my feelings and thoughts honestly, and if there do have marks applicable on our essays….sincerely hope that the lecturer wont penalize me for writing too frankly.
Till then, that’s all about this lecture.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Proposal Kajian TIndakan (Hjh Halimah Harun)
Nama dan Alamat Sekolah:
SMK Khai Mun, 28700 Bentong, Pahang.
Nama Pengkaji:
Mohd. Sarhan b. Ismail P48693
Siti Sarah binti Udzir P48586
Nor Zira bt. Shafie P48688
Assarah bt. Ahmad Suki P48590
Wong Wan Heng P48627
Tajuk Kajian:
Meningkatkan penguasaan pelajar Tingkatan 3 Anggerik terhadap tajuk Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia melalui kaedah nyanyian.
Berdasarkan analisis keputusan ujian bulanan tahun lepas, didapati hanya 30 peratus pelajar mendapat gred A dan B (65 peratus hingga 100 peratus) untuk Bab 2 Sistem Peredaran Darah. Penguasaan tajuk ini adalah penting kerana peratusan soalan bagi tajuk ini dalam PMR adalah tinggi. Tajuk ini juga akan diajar dengan lebih mendalam semasa peringkat menengah atas dalam mata pelajaran Biologi dan Sains Tambahan. Persoalan berikut sering bermian difikiran: Adakah tajuk ini membosankan? Adakah bahan bantu mengajar tidak berkesan? Bagaimana cara untuk meningkatkan pemahaman pelajar terhadap topik ini?
Selain itu didapati juga faktor penguasaan bahasa Inggeris di kalangan pelajar juga mempengaruhi pemahaman mereka dalam mata pelajaran Sains. Secara tidak langsung pelajar menjadi kurang bermotivasi dan memandang negatif terhadap mata pelajaran Sains, terutamanya tajuk-tajuk yang mengandungi banyak istilah baru seperti yang terkandung dalam tajuk ini (contoh: pulmonary, capillary, vein)
Fokus Kajian:
Walaupun kami mengesan beberapa masalah yang dihadapi oleh pelajar, kesilapan yang sering dilakukan oleh pelajar ialah:
i) Keliru antara istilah dan fungsi dalam sistem peredaran darah (cth.: fungsi arteri dan vena)
ii) Tidak dapat membezakan ciri-ciri khusus saluran darah
iii) Tidak dapat memahami jenis peredaran pulmonari dan sistemik
Objektif Kajian:
Selepas kajian ini selesai dijalankan, pelajar diharap akan mencapai objektif berikut:
I) Objektif umum
Meningkatkan peratusan pelajar yang mendapat gred B ke atas sebanyak 50 peratus.
II) Objektif khusus
1· Meningkatkan bilangan pelajar yang dapat memadankan istilah dan fungsinya dengan betul.
2. Meningkatkan pemahaman pelajar terhadap perkaitan antara ciri dan fungsi setiap saluran darah dan jenis peredaran.
Kumpulan Sasaran:
Kajian ini melibatkan 30 orang pelajar Tingkatan 3 Anggerik.
Tindakan yang dicadangkan
1. Mengajar tajuk ini menggunakan kaedah konvensional (kuliah).
2. Memberi pra-ujian (pre-test) kepada pelajar.
3. Mengumpul dan menganalisis data awal.
4. Menggunakan kaedah nyanyian:
i) Membahagikan pelajar kepada 6 kumpulan yang terdiri daripada 5 orang pelajar dalam satu kumpulan.
ii) Memberikan lirik seperti di dalam Lampiran 1 kepada setiap kumpulam
iii) Meminta setiap kumpulan memasukkan lirik tersebut ke dalam lagu pilihan mereka.
iv) Memberi masa kepada pelajar untuk membuat persiapan dan mempersembahkan semasa kelas berikutnya.
5. Memberi pasca-ujian (post-test) kepada pelajar.
6. Mengumpul dan menganalisis data akhir.
7. Membuat analisis dan perbandingan antara data awal dan data akhir.

Nama dan Alamat Sekolah:
SMK Khai Mun, 28700 Bentong, Pahang.
Nama Pengkaji:
Mohd. Sarhan b. Ismail P48693
Siti Sarah binti Udzir P48586
Nor Zira bt. Shafie P48688
Assarah bt. Ahmad Suki P48590
Wong Wan Heng P48627
Tajuk Kajian:
Meningkatkan penguasaan pelajar Tingkatan 3 Anggerik terhadap tajuk Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia melalui kaedah nyanyian.
Berdasarkan analisis keputusan ujian bulanan tahun lepas, didapati hanya 30 peratus pelajar mendapat gred A dan B (65 peratus hingga 100 peratus) untuk Bab 2 Sistem Peredaran Darah. Penguasaan tajuk ini adalah penting kerana peratusan soalan bagi tajuk ini dalam PMR adalah tinggi. Tajuk ini juga akan diajar dengan lebih mendalam semasa peringkat menengah atas dalam mata pelajaran Biologi dan Sains Tambahan. Persoalan berikut sering bermian difikiran: Adakah tajuk ini membosankan? Adakah bahan bantu mengajar tidak berkesan? Bagaimana cara untuk meningkatkan pemahaman pelajar terhadap topik ini?
Selain itu didapati juga faktor penguasaan bahasa Inggeris di kalangan pelajar juga mempengaruhi pemahaman mereka dalam mata pelajaran Sains. Secara tidak langsung pelajar menjadi kurang bermotivasi dan memandang negatif terhadap mata pelajaran Sains, terutamanya tajuk-tajuk yang mengandungi banyak istilah baru seperti yang terkandung dalam tajuk ini (contoh: pulmonary, capillary, vein)
Fokus Kajian:
Walaupun kami mengesan beberapa masalah yang dihadapi oleh pelajar, kesilapan yang sering dilakukan oleh pelajar ialah:
i) Keliru antara istilah dan fungsi dalam sistem peredaran darah (cth.: fungsi arteri dan vena)
ii) Tidak dapat membezakan ciri-ciri khusus saluran darah
iii) Tidak dapat memahami jenis peredaran pulmonari dan sistemik
Objektif Kajian:
Selepas kajian ini selesai dijalankan, pelajar diharap akan mencapai objektif berikut:
I) Objektif umum
Meningkatkan peratusan pelajar yang mendapat gred B ke atas sebanyak 50 peratus.
II) Objektif khusus
1· Meningkatkan bilangan pelajar yang dapat memadankan istilah dan fungsinya dengan betul.
2. Meningkatkan pemahaman pelajar terhadap perkaitan antara ciri dan fungsi setiap saluran darah dan jenis peredaran.
Kumpulan Sasaran:
Kajian ini melibatkan 30 orang pelajar Tingkatan 3 Anggerik.
Tindakan yang dicadangkan
1. Mengajar tajuk ini menggunakan kaedah konvensional (kuliah).
2. Memberi pra-ujian (pre-test) kepada pelajar.
3. Mengumpul dan menganalisis data awal.
4. Menggunakan kaedah nyanyian:
i) Membahagikan pelajar kepada 6 kumpulan yang terdiri daripada 5 orang pelajar dalam satu kumpulan.
ii) Memberikan lirik seperti di dalam Lampiran 1 kepada setiap kumpulam
iii) Meminta setiap kumpulan memasukkan lirik tersebut ke dalam lagu pilihan mereka.
iv) Memberi masa kepada pelajar untuk membuat persiapan dan mempersembahkan semasa kelas berikutnya.
5. Memberi pasca-ujian (post-test) kepada pelajar.
6. Mengumpul dan menganalisis data akhir.
7. Membuat analisis dan perbandingan antara data awal dan data akhir.

The Circulatory System Song
The Circulatory System Song
Arteries carry the blood away
Veins come back to the heart all day60,000 miles it goes
Around and through the heart it flows
In the veins the blood is blue
In the veins the blood is blue
Deoxygenated, yes that’s true
But in the arteries it’s red
To carry oxygen throughout, it’s said
The white blood cells are important ones
The white blood cells are important ones
The spleen, lymph nodes, and tonsils make some
To fight off germs and kill disease
Producing antibodies when it needs
Hemoglobin’s in the red blood cell
Hemoglobin’s in the red blood cell
Iron’s found in there as well
Without all that, anemic we’d be
With orange-looking blood, you’d tire easily
Three blood vessels do the job for you
Three blood vessels do the job for you
Arteries, veins, and capillaries, too
Arteries are large, and capillaries, small
So nutrients can pass right through their walls
The veins contain the valves that shut
The veins contain the valves that shut
So blood only flows one way for us
In the heart four chambers you’ll find
Atrium and ventricle- left and right
Two types of circulation I know
Two types of circulation I know
Pulmonary and systemic both flow
The first to the lungs, the second all around
Circulation is a never-ending sound
Kuliah 5 (Hjh Halimah Harun)
Kuliah 5 (Hjh Halimah Harun)
This is to be the most ‘special’ lecture ever since I was in DPLI. The lecturer came in without introducing herself, no briefing, nothing. We were required to answer some questions regarding reasons becoming a teacher, teacher’s duties, the teachers we like the most and dislike the most without reasons etc, on a piece of paper. At the end of the last question, we were required to draw a tree and state our name with birthday there. We passed up the answers paper to the lecturer and some of us were being selected to voice out our opinion on the activity. It seemed that the tree we drew represent our personal characteristics. But exactly how it explains my personality? I wonder, as no explanation was given towards the end of this activity.
Some of my answers for some questions (activity 1):
1. Mengapa ingin menjadi seorang guru?
- suka berkongsi ilmu
- berminat terhadap psikologi kanak-kanak/pemuda-pemudi Malaysia
2. Tugas seorang guru?
- mencungkil bakat pelajar
- menyampai ilmu pengetahuan secara hikmah
- memberi peluang belajar yang samarata terhadap semua pelajar
- menyempurnakan tugas pentadbiran yang diamanahkan
3. Guru yang paling disukai? Sebab?
- Seorang guru darjah yang mengajar bahasa Cina dari darjah 4-6.
Guru berkenaan cekap mencungkil bakat setiap pelajar dalam kelas yang mengandungi 50 orang pelajar. Guru berkenaan rajin menyediakan bahan P&P yang relevan levelnya bagi kelas saya. Guru berkenaan sentiasa mempunyai idea yang resional untuk dijadikan hukuman dan peneguhan bagi kelas saya.
- Seorang guru yang mengajar Biologi dari tingkatan 3-6.
Guru berkenaan mempunyai sikap yang sabar terhadap sebarang pertanyaan kami. Guru berkenaan mempunyai pengetahuan yang dalam tentang subjek yang diajar. Guru berkenaan seorang peramah dan selalu mengikuti jejak tren kegemaran pelajar pada sesuatu ketika.
4. Guru yang paling tidak disukai? Sebab?
- Seorang guru yang mengajar Kimia dari tingkatan 4-5.
Guru berkenaan tidak menguasai subjek yang diajar dengan baik, isi kandungan yang disampaikan oleh guru berkenaan tidak dapat diterima dengan baik di kalangan pelajar. Apabila terdapat sebarang pertanyaan, guru berkenaan selalunya tidak dapat memberi penjelasan yang memuaskan kami. Ini menyebabkan pelajar mesti mengambil tuisyen di luar waktu sekolah untuk subjek ini.
Activity 2: We were asked to group ourselves in pairs, discussing about one presentation during Seminar Pedidikan serantau Ke-4, that was related to action research. Some of the groups were being selected to present their discussion. From there, the lecturer pointed out some characteristics on that particular presentation which categorized it under non-action research.
It seems that experimental research is the kind of research with all the research steps unchanged from the beginning till the end of research. Survey is also not a kind of action research. Whereas if we were to do research on some one’s thinking, our research is to be called as ‘Ideology research’.
As for my group discussion, my partner and I thought that the topic we were talking about is an example of action research, but later after listening to our lecturer’s explanation, we found that the topic we were discussing about is to be categorized under experimental research rather action research.
This is to be the most ‘special’ lecture ever since I was in DPLI. The lecturer came in without introducing herself, no briefing, nothing. We were required to answer some questions regarding reasons becoming a teacher, teacher’s duties, the teachers we like the most and dislike the most without reasons etc, on a piece of paper. At the end of the last question, we were required to draw a tree and state our name with birthday there. We passed up the answers paper to the lecturer and some of us were being selected to voice out our opinion on the activity. It seemed that the tree we drew represent our personal characteristics. But exactly how it explains my personality? I wonder, as no explanation was given towards the end of this activity.
Some of my answers for some questions (activity 1):
1. Mengapa ingin menjadi seorang guru?
- suka berkongsi ilmu
- berminat terhadap psikologi kanak-kanak/pemuda-pemudi Malaysia
2. Tugas seorang guru?
- mencungkil bakat pelajar
- menyampai ilmu pengetahuan secara hikmah
- memberi peluang belajar yang samarata terhadap semua pelajar
- menyempurnakan tugas pentadbiran yang diamanahkan
3. Guru yang paling disukai? Sebab?
- Seorang guru darjah yang mengajar bahasa Cina dari darjah 4-6.
Guru berkenaan cekap mencungkil bakat setiap pelajar dalam kelas yang mengandungi 50 orang pelajar. Guru berkenaan rajin menyediakan bahan P&P yang relevan levelnya bagi kelas saya. Guru berkenaan sentiasa mempunyai idea yang resional untuk dijadikan hukuman dan peneguhan bagi kelas saya.
- Seorang guru yang mengajar Biologi dari tingkatan 3-6.
Guru berkenaan mempunyai sikap yang sabar terhadap sebarang pertanyaan kami. Guru berkenaan mempunyai pengetahuan yang dalam tentang subjek yang diajar. Guru berkenaan seorang peramah dan selalu mengikuti jejak tren kegemaran pelajar pada sesuatu ketika.
4. Guru yang paling tidak disukai? Sebab?
- Seorang guru yang mengajar Kimia dari tingkatan 4-5.
Guru berkenaan tidak menguasai subjek yang diajar dengan baik, isi kandungan yang disampaikan oleh guru berkenaan tidak dapat diterima dengan baik di kalangan pelajar. Apabila terdapat sebarang pertanyaan, guru berkenaan selalunya tidak dapat memberi penjelasan yang memuaskan kami. Ini menyebabkan pelajar mesti mengambil tuisyen di luar waktu sekolah untuk subjek ini.
Activity 2: We were asked to group ourselves in pairs, discussing about one presentation during Seminar Pedidikan serantau Ke-4, that was related to action research. Some of the groups were being selected to present their discussion. From there, the lecturer pointed out some characteristics on that particular presentation which categorized it under non-action research.
It seems that experimental research is the kind of research with all the research steps unchanged from the beginning till the end of research. Survey is also not a kind of action research. Whereas if we were to do research on some one’s thinking, our research is to be called as ‘Ideology research’.
As for my group discussion, my partner and I thought that the topic we were talking about is an example of action research, but later after listening to our lecturer’s explanation, we found that the topic we were discussing about is to be categorized under experimental research rather action research.
The topic we selected for discussion was ‘Penggunaan Pendekatan Konstruktivisme Di Kalangan Pelajar Sains Biologi SMPN PekanBaru’. The research was conducted to see the influence of using constructivism approach in students’ learning result and the method used was quasi experiment. The instruments used were pre test and post test design measuring skill process in both experimental and controlled class. As per the lecturer, research with control class is considered as experimental research rather than action research.
There was Tugasan given as usual. What we need to do this time is to form a group of 5, prepare a proposal on action research to be hand in after 3 days.
And that was the end of the 3 hours lesson. I personally think that the lecturer should have at least shared us the ways on preparing an action research proposal. But it seems, I am wrong. Because we were left in the lecture hall, having no any idea on exactly how is a proposal of action research should be, how should be the proper format of proposal looks like.
Well, maybe we were thought to be more-than-degree students and thus we were expected to learn by ourselves without depending on the lecturer for spoon feeding. But as for me, I prefer a lecturer to attend to a lecture with well preparation, with at least some guidelines for the students for reference, so that the students know their position where they should be and understand about the scoop of that particular lecture, thereafter able to look for further information regarding that lecture if necessary.
Not containing any mean of prejudicing, just to share my point of view.
There was Tugasan given as usual. What we need to do this time is to form a group of 5, prepare a proposal on action research to be hand in after 3 days.
And that was the end of the 3 hours lesson. I personally think that the lecturer should have at least shared us the ways on preparing an action research proposal. But it seems, I am wrong. Because we were left in the lecture hall, having no any idea on exactly how is a proposal of action research should be, how should be the proper format of proposal looks like.
Well, maybe we were thought to be more-than-degree students and thus we were expected to learn by ourselves without depending on the lecturer for spoon feeding. But as for me, I prefer a lecturer to attend to a lecture with well preparation, with at least some guidelines for the students for reference, so that the students know their position where they should be and understand about the scoop of that particular lecture, thereafter able to look for further information regarding that lecture if necessary.
Not containing any mean of prejudicing, just to share my point of view.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Seminar Pendidikan Serantau Ke-4
Title : The Effectiveness of Multimedia in Education Package to Motivate Literacy (MEL) amongst Preschool Children
Author : Munir
Session : 1B3 (11.10am-11.30am)
Room : Merbau
Main ideas:
- Aim: study the effectiveness of MEL in comparison with conventional literacy programme. - Methods: quasi experimental design & ethnographic approach
- Samples: 40 pre-school children (20 taught using MEL package, 20 using conventional package (BAWAL))
BAWAL = traditional reading materials; MEL: reading material presented through computer
- Data analysis: qualitative & quatitative with Wilcoxon & Mann Whitney test
- Conclusion: Children were motivated to learn literacy more impressively through utilization of MEL package
Author : Munir
Session : 1B3 (11.10am-11.30am)
Room : Merbau
Main ideas:
- Aim: study the effectiveness of MEL in comparison with conventional literacy programme. - Methods: quasi experimental design & ethnographic approach
- Samples: 40 pre-school children (20 taught using MEL package, 20 using conventional package (BAWAL))
BAWAL = traditional reading materials; MEL: reading material presented through computer
- Data analysis: qualitative & quatitative with Wilcoxon & Mann Whitney test
- Conclusion: Children were motivated to learn literacy more impressively through utilization of MEL package
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Tugasan 2 Journal Review (Final episode)
The comparison in terms of samples, settings, procedures of action research, data gathering and analysis has been done on the three journals regarding action research:
1. Pupils as action researchers: improving something important in our lives (Branko Bognar and Marica Zovko, 2008)
2. Using Observational Data to Provide Performance Feedback to Teachers: A High School Case Study (Geoff Colvin et al., 2009)
3. Love and critique in guiding student teachers (Sigrid Gjotterud, 2009).
As comparison, samples being used in Branko and Marica’s action research are a group of 10-year-old students who manage to carry out their own action research with close monitor by Marica. Samples in Geoff’s research are a male teacher who is having problem to gain classroom attention during his Science period and that particular classroom. Whereas for Sigrid’s research, 3 students and in fact, Sigrid himself, have been taken as samples.
In Branko and Marica’s action research, it has no particular settings being implied. In fact, the student action researchers, as participants, are free to choose the setting all by themselves. By the guidance of Marica, the student action researchers plan their own interested field to be improved, making the action research an interesting activity to them, as they can choose to involve their classmates or even family members into their action research. The setting is all depending on the place and targeted group they have selected and their targeted activities to be improved.
The same goes to Sigrid’s action research, where no proper setting of action research has been clearly mentioned. This action research has been carried out through online meeting and/or face-to-face interview to determine the notion of love and criticism in guiding student teachers, thereafter to make improvement on guiding actions of teacher educators.
As for Geoff’s action research, the entire classroom setting of action research has been clearly explained. It involved a science teacher with one of his classroom as participants. All the variables being measured, measuring scheme and recording sheet have been well displayed in the journal. As such, it can measure all the interested variables with high validity and reliability.
Action Research Procedures:
In Branko and Marica’s action research, the procedures involved are:
1. familiarized student action researchers with the process of data-gathering
2. defining own values and shared values (things/fields/actions that need improvement)
3. conducting activities planned
4. meeting and findings sharing
5. selecting better suggestions of improvement by others for implementing
6. self-evaluation and reflection
7. making report and presenting their project to others for validation
In Geoff’s action research, the procedures involved are:
First round of observation:
1. identifying problem
2. gathering data
3. reviewing and analyzing data
4. developing action strategies by modifying instructional practices
Second round of observation:
5. implying strategies
6. gathering data
7. conducting feedback
8. modifying instruction practices
Third round of observation:
9. implying improved strategies
10. gathering data
11. examining and discussing data
Whereas in Sigrid’s action research, the procedures are:
1. identifying problem
2. planning action
3. applying action
4. conducting reflection
5. documenting outcomes/findings
All the three action research procedures share a same characteristic, which is, the procedures are to be repeated in sequence forming a complete cycle, till the satisfactory outcomes are being obtained, there and then only, will the process being aborted.
Data gathering and analyzing:
In the action research of Branko Bognar and Marica Zovko, data gathering is done by qualitative method, which involved collecting peers’ or family members’ opinions, depend on the topic of action research being carried out by the student action researchers. No particular data analyzing method shown in this journal. This is probably caused by the small amount of data is being gathered therefore no complicated or particular data analyzing method is needed. Student action researchers modify and improve their action by referring to each opinion gathered.
The same goes to Sigrid’s action research as well. Qualitative data gathering method is used, no specific data analyzing method is shown. Data is gathered by interviewing samples and the changes in samples’ attitude through modified guiding actions are being observed at the later stage.
As for Geoff’s action research, all data is being gathered through quantitative method. A detailed cover sheet with all the variables to be measured is designed for the usage of marking done during each observation. The data is being analyzed using descriptive statistics, where the percentage of each tested variable is being calculated and graph is being generated.
1. Pupils as action researchers: improving something important in our lives (Branko Bognar and Marica Zovko, 2008)
2. Using Observational Data to Provide Performance Feedback to Teachers: A High School Case Study (Geoff Colvin et al., 2009)
3. Love and critique in guiding student teachers (Sigrid Gjotterud, 2009).
As comparison, samples being used in Branko and Marica’s action research are a group of 10-year-old students who manage to carry out their own action research with close monitor by Marica. Samples in Geoff’s research are a male teacher who is having problem to gain classroom attention during his Science period and that particular classroom. Whereas for Sigrid’s research, 3 students and in fact, Sigrid himself, have been taken as samples.
In Branko and Marica’s action research, it has no particular settings being implied. In fact, the student action researchers, as participants, are free to choose the setting all by themselves. By the guidance of Marica, the student action researchers plan their own interested field to be improved, making the action research an interesting activity to them, as they can choose to involve their classmates or even family members into their action research. The setting is all depending on the place and targeted group they have selected and their targeted activities to be improved.
The same goes to Sigrid’s action research, where no proper setting of action research has been clearly mentioned. This action research has been carried out through online meeting and/or face-to-face interview to determine the notion of love and criticism in guiding student teachers, thereafter to make improvement on guiding actions of teacher educators.
As for Geoff’s action research, the entire classroom setting of action research has been clearly explained. It involved a science teacher with one of his classroom as participants. All the variables being measured, measuring scheme and recording sheet have been well displayed in the journal. As such, it can measure all the interested variables with high validity and reliability.
Action Research Procedures:
In Branko and Marica’s action research, the procedures involved are:
1. familiarized student action researchers with the process of data-gathering
2. defining own values and shared values (things/fields/actions that need improvement)
3. conducting activities planned
4. meeting and findings sharing
5. selecting better suggestions of improvement by others for implementing
6. self-evaluation and reflection
7. making report and presenting their project to others for validation
In Geoff’s action research, the procedures involved are:
First round of observation:
1. identifying problem
2. gathering data
3. reviewing and analyzing data
4. developing action strategies by modifying instructional practices
Second round of observation:
5. implying strategies
6. gathering data
7. conducting feedback
8. modifying instruction practices
Third round of observation:
9. implying improved strategies
10. gathering data
11. examining and discussing data
Whereas in Sigrid’s action research, the procedures are:
1. identifying problem
2. planning action
3. applying action
4. conducting reflection
5. documenting outcomes/findings
All the three action research procedures share a same characteristic, which is, the procedures are to be repeated in sequence forming a complete cycle, till the satisfactory outcomes are being obtained, there and then only, will the process being aborted.
Data gathering and analyzing:
In the action research of Branko Bognar and Marica Zovko, data gathering is done by qualitative method, which involved collecting peers’ or family members’ opinions, depend on the topic of action research being carried out by the student action researchers. No particular data analyzing method shown in this journal. This is probably caused by the small amount of data is being gathered therefore no complicated or particular data analyzing method is needed. Student action researchers modify and improve their action by referring to each opinion gathered.
The same goes to Sigrid’s action research as well. Qualitative data gathering method is used, no specific data analyzing method is shown. Data is gathered by interviewing samples and the changes in samples’ attitude through modified guiding actions are being observed at the later stage.
As for Geoff’s action research, all data is being gathered through quantitative method. A detailed cover sheet with all the variables to be measured is designed for the usage of marking done during each observation. The data is being analyzed using descriptive statistics, where the percentage of each tested variable is being calculated and graph is being generated.
To compare these 3 journals as a whole, I personally feel that the action research done by Geoff is a good reference for juniors like me. That is because the whole process of action research done by Geoff has included all the basic important topics that should be covered in a complete set of action research. His journals clearly stated the participants of this action research, the classroom setting, the procedures and the outcomes of result generated through data gathered. All these are similar to the content in Participatory Action Research for Educational Leadership (which I read through for my Tugasan 1), where the main process of action research is all about Diagnose, Act, Measure and Reflect.
On the other hand, I can’t deny that action research done by Branko and Marica is indeed an interesting one. As it involves the students themselves in the entire process of action research. The students have full freedom to select whatever field/thing/action to be improved, in order to make better lifestyle. By implying such kind of student-centered activities in classroom teaching and learning process, the classroom environment would be an interesting learning centre to the students. As the students are fully engaged in the research, they have the opportunities to learn about the whole process of action research in early age. As such, if this effort can be carried on to future, the students can have sufficient time and opportunities to improve themselves in action research, and therefore, able to build up professional action researchers. To build up interest on action research in our students is indeed a tough task, but not impossible, as seen in Branko and Marica’s research. The importance of building up interest on action research in our students should be seen from the perspective of life. Because learning is a life-long process, and action research is all about life itself (Branko B. and Marica Z., 2008). We seek improvement in our daily life experience, our relationship with others, our basic needs and so on. Thus these improvements for better living can be done efficiently if we were well equipped with action research knowledge. Anyway, if I were to give suggestion for the improvement of this journal, I feel that it would be better if the ways data being gathered and being analyzed can be monitored well and being presented in this journal.
The action research done by Sigrid is another interesting topic which involved the notion of love and criticism in guiding student teachers. But each person has different kind of characteristic and behavior. So, I doubt if the outcomes of this research can be applied to all our students. Perhaps the responsibilities on guiding students by either love or criticism fall on he students’ teacher. In this case, teacher plays the most important role to explore the characteristic of each student, thereafter to decide on whether the notion of love or criticism should be used in guiding, and that subjected to case by case basis as well. Again, in his research, I feel that the ways data being gathered and analyzed are insufficient to provide me clear picture on exactly how that were done. Perhaps more samples should be taken so that the data gathered are as a norm and thus increase the reliability.
To compare these 3 journals as a whole, I personally feel that the action research done by Geoff is a good reference for juniors like me. That is because the whole process of action research done by Geoff has included all the basic important topics that should be covered in a complete set of action research. His journals clearly stated the participants of this action research, the classroom setting, the procedures and the outcomes of result generated through data gathered. All these are similar to the content in Participatory Action Research for Educational Leadership (which I read through for my Tugasan 1), where the main process of action research is all about Diagnose, Act, Measure and Reflect.
On the other hand, I can’t deny that action research done by Branko and Marica is indeed an interesting one. As it involves the students themselves in the entire process of action research. The students have full freedom to select whatever field/thing/action to be improved, in order to make better lifestyle. By implying such kind of student-centered activities in classroom teaching and learning process, the classroom environment would be an interesting learning centre to the students. As the students are fully engaged in the research, they have the opportunities to learn about the whole process of action research in early age. As such, if this effort can be carried on to future, the students can have sufficient time and opportunities to improve themselves in action research, and therefore, able to build up professional action researchers. To build up interest on action research in our students is indeed a tough task, but not impossible, as seen in Branko and Marica’s research. The importance of building up interest on action research in our students should be seen from the perspective of life. Because learning is a life-long process, and action research is all about life itself (Branko B. and Marica Z., 2008). We seek improvement in our daily life experience, our relationship with others, our basic needs and so on. Thus these improvements for better living can be done efficiently if we were well equipped with action research knowledge. Anyway, if I were to give suggestion for the improvement of this journal, I feel that it would be better if the ways data being gathered and being analyzed can be monitored well and being presented in this journal.
The action research done by Sigrid is another interesting topic which involved the notion of love and criticism in guiding student teachers. But each person has different kind of characteristic and behavior. So, I doubt if the outcomes of this research can be applied to all our students. Perhaps the responsibilities on guiding students by either love or criticism fall on he students’ teacher. In this case, teacher plays the most important role to explore the characteristic of each student, thereafter to decide on whether the notion of love or criticism should be used in guiding, and that subjected to case by case basis as well. Again, in his research, I feel that the ways data being gathered and analyzed are insufficient to provide me clear picture on exactly how that were done. Perhaps more samples should be taken so that the data gathered are as a norm and thus increase the reliability.
That are all my points of view after reading through the three journals mentioned. Anyone has different opinion, feel free to comment here. There is always room for discussion.
Branko, B. and Marica, Z. 2008. Pupils as action researchers: improving something important in our lives. Educational Journal of Living Theories 1(1): 1-49.
Geoff, C., George, S., James, M. & K. Brigid, F. 2009. Using observational data to provide performance feedback to teachers: A high school case study. Preventing School Failure 53(2): 95-104.
Sigrid, G. 2009. Love and critique in guiding student teachers. Educational Journal of Living Theories 2(1): 68-95.
Branko, B. and Marica, Z. 2008. Pupils as action researchers: improving something important in our lives. Educational Journal of Living Theories 1(1): 1-49.
Geoff, C., George, S., James, M. & K. Brigid, F. 2009. Using observational data to provide performance feedback to teachers: A high school case study. Preventing School Failure 53(2): 95-104.
Sigrid, G. 2009. Love and critique in guiding student teachers. Educational Journal of Living Theories 2(1): 68-95.
Alan, B., E. Alana, J. & Margaret, T. M. (2008). Participatory action research for educational leadership. California, United States of America: Sage Publications.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tugasan 2 Journal Review (Part 3)
Title : Love and critique in guiding student teachers
Journal : Educational Journal of Living Theories
Author : Sigrid Gjotterud
Year : 2009
Volume : 2
Number : 1
Page : 68-95
Supervising and guiding student teachers is not an easy task. Thus this action research has been carried out in order to determine how the notion of love and critique can change the supervisors’ practice in guiding student teachers.
Sigrid started this research by defining the meaning of love and constructive critique through various literature reviews. He then further assimilates his understanding on love and critique with his practices in guiding student teachers. This action research is formed by Sigrid and a group of teacher educators, as co-operative action researcher.
By referring to the 4 phases of co-operative inquiry cycles designed by Heron and Reason (2001), this action research has been designed to have 4 phases as well for the co-operative action research being carried out in this particular group of teacher educators. Considering about those reflections expressed by previous semester’s students, in phase 1, this group of co-operative action researchers have decided on the need to improve their guiding practice. In phase 2, this group of action researchers make themselves as a subject in their research. Meaning, they themselves involved actively as part of the samples in their research. They plan their action, apply their action, conduct reflection and also document the whole process and outcome of their practice. Phase 2 and 3 are repeated cycles in the sense that each of the action researchers is addressing the same issue for improvement, or some may choose to have different aspect for improvement. They observe their own action during guiding and teaching, and then reflect they action individually. After compiling data for some time, in phase 4, they gather and share their experiences together.
As his samples of participant, Sigrid has chosen 3 students cases to be his research target, for him to make some improvement in the 3 cases. Case 1 concerned a student with online guiding and through criticism, to determine on Sigrid’s practice that has been influenced by his colleagues’ guiding practice. Case 2 dealt with interviewing student by the mean of love, from time to time to get feedback on the level of satisfaction in learning and also keep improving teaching and guiding strategies according to student’s demand. Case 3 is another case with online guiding together with face-to-face encounters, making the sample student to believe in her writing ability through praising her. It is a lost that there has no any video recording being taken throughout the research. This means all the data being collected can only be delivered to others through written reports, without concrete visual narrative. For each case studied, Sigrid has listed down the challenge or problem that may occur, then the solution on how the problem being solved and what can he gain through the case studied.
Besides the three student samples, Sigrid has taken himself as a sample. He has attended to his supervisor’s music concert. With no any knowledge regarding that particular music presented by his supervisor, he has made straightforward critique, regardless the feeling of his supervisor and he has forgotten that he holds intention to have inquiry and humble discussion with his supervisor.
By the effort done by Sigrid and colleagues, their student teachers start to practice co-operative action research during their practical period in practical-school. The cycle of plan, act, observe, reflect and new plan continues till their aims being achieved or they get start with a new dimension of teaching and learning improvement.
Through the research being carried out above, Sigrid concluded that as student teacher, one should have awareness on students’ value and provide them opportunities to discover them, prior preparation is important before entering into student-teacher role, emotion is an important factor to be taken note in term of self development. Sigrid has accepted the notion of love and critique as a need in his guiding improvement. About Sigrid’s critique on his supervisor’s music, his supervisor has finally accepted his critique as constructive critique and has made some improvement on his music. Therefore, taking others critique in a positive manner, with the intention to improve in guiding actions, is also an important element to be implied in teacher educators.
3rd piece for sharing…
The comparisons between these 3 journals….to follow.
Journal : Educational Journal of Living Theories
Author : Sigrid Gjotterud
Year : 2009
Volume : 2
Number : 1
Page : 68-95
Supervising and guiding student teachers is not an easy task. Thus this action research has been carried out in order to determine how the notion of love and critique can change the supervisors’ practice in guiding student teachers.
Sigrid started this research by defining the meaning of love and constructive critique through various literature reviews. He then further assimilates his understanding on love and critique with his practices in guiding student teachers. This action research is formed by Sigrid and a group of teacher educators, as co-operative action researcher.
By referring to the 4 phases of co-operative inquiry cycles designed by Heron and Reason (2001), this action research has been designed to have 4 phases as well for the co-operative action research being carried out in this particular group of teacher educators. Considering about those reflections expressed by previous semester’s students, in phase 1, this group of co-operative action researchers have decided on the need to improve their guiding practice. In phase 2, this group of action researchers make themselves as a subject in their research. Meaning, they themselves involved actively as part of the samples in their research. They plan their action, apply their action, conduct reflection and also document the whole process and outcome of their practice. Phase 2 and 3 are repeated cycles in the sense that each of the action researchers is addressing the same issue for improvement, or some may choose to have different aspect for improvement. They observe their own action during guiding and teaching, and then reflect they action individually. After compiling data for some time, in phase 4, they gather and share their experiences together.
As his samples of participant, Sigrid has chosen 3 students cases to be his research target, for him to make some improvement in the 3 cases. Case 1 concerned a student with online guiding and through criticism, to determine on Sigrid’s practice that has been influenced by his colleagues’ guiding practice. Case 2 dealt with interviewing student by the mean of love, from time to time to get feedback on the level of satisfaction in learning and also keep improving teaching and guiding strategies according to student’s demand. Case 3 is another case with online guiding together with face-to-face encounters, making the sample student to believe in her writing ability through praising her. It is a lost that there has no any video recording being taken throughout the research. This means all the data being collected can only be delivered to others through written reports, without concrete visual narrative. For each case studied, Sigrid has listed down the challenge or problem that may occur, then the solution on how the problem being solved and what can he gain through the case studied.
Besides the three student samples, Sigrid has taken himself as a sample. He has attended to his supervisor’s music concert. With no any knowledge regarding that particular music presented by his supervisor, he has made straightforward critique, regardless the feeling of his supervisor and he has forgotten that he holds intention to have inquiry and humble discussion with his supervisor.
By the effort done by Sigrid and colleagues, their student teachers start to practice co-operative action research during their practical period in practical-school. The cycle of plan, act, observe, reflect and new plan continues till their aims being achieved or they get start with a new dimension of teaching and learning improvement.
Through the research being carried out above, Sigrid concluded that as student teacher, one should have awareness on students’ value and provide them opportunities to discover them, prior preparation is important before entering into student-teacher role, emotion is an important factor to be taken note in term of self development. Sigrid has accepted the notion of love and critique as a need in his guiding improvement. About Sigrid’s critique on his supervisor’s music, his supervisor has finally accepted his critique as constructive critique and has made some improvement on his music. Therefore, taking others critique in a positive manner, with the intention to improve in guiding actions, is also an important element to be implied in teacher educators.
3rd piece for sharing…
The comparisons between these 3 journals….to follow.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Tugasan 2 Journal Review (Part 2)
Title : Using Observational Data to Provide Performance Feedback to Teachers: A High School Case Study
Journal : Preventing School Failure
Author : Geoff Colvin, K. Brigid Flannery, George Sugai, and James Monegan
Year : 2009
Volume : 53
Number : 2
Page : 95-104
Educators face problem in improving both academic achievement and social behaviors of students. Thus this research has been carried out in order to assist educators in finding ways to help in student management improvement, by improving educators’ instructional practices. One useful strategy is to conduct classroom observations and provide performance feedback. This strategy is to focus on classroom instructional settings, instructional practice and classroom student behavior.
Some literature reviews has been done prior to this research. For instance, under some government acts, attention was being focused on identifying the most effective ways in increasing students’ academic achievements. Previous studies analysis has shown that school achievement improvement is always associated with the development of supportive infrastructure and the efficiency of classroom instructional practices. The key to develop efficient instructional practices is to provide teachers with performance feedback.
This research is being conducted by using classroom observation method to assess the relation between the classroom level of engagement and students’ social behaviors and the instructional practices used by their teacher, meanwhile giving performance feedback on effective instructional practices to improve the class engagement and their social behaviors. The participant of this research is a male teacher who is having problem in maintaining attention of his students and reducing side talk during his science class. He claims that he has tried all methods but none of the method seems to work on this particular class.
An observation of a 45 minutes block period on that particular ninth-grade science class after lunch has been conducted. A few steps of classroom observation instrument have been developed which includes identifying research-based effective instructional strategies, relating students’ engagement in instructional practices, relating teacher practices and students behavior, adjusting observation procedures, documenting and providing clear feedback to teacher. Data has been gathered in 3 variables, which are the setting of the class period, teacher’s behavior and class engagement. General information are being collected using a cover sheet, where a reference chart identifying the codes of the context of the teaching, teacher’s action and class behavior is built and all the coded options are being well defined. A recording form is being used to record the classroom observation for each of the ten intervals during 1 visit. Altogether 3 classroom visits has been done. 4 sets of 10 intervals observation have been conducted during each visit.
2 observers have been arranged to conduct observation in three separate classroom visits to field-test the observation instrument. They both discuss about the observation items, complete their observation and then meet up for discussion on observation result. By making comparison in and between these observation sessions, the consistencies, reliability, variability, and spread can be assessed. As for this research, the reliability coefficient of 93 % has been achieved through all the observations done.
After each round of observation, a review of the observation is being done by the teacher and observers to analyze the data collected and develop an action plan to modify instructional practices. The teacher is then continued on with the cycle of action research by implying action plan strategies which are developed from the first round of observation, into the process of teaching. Second round of observation is done by researchers, feedback session is being conducted together with the teacher and new summary statements are made based on the first and second observations done. The result shows that the students’ engagement in class has increased whereas off-task behavior has decreased. The action plan is then being modified again to get better improvement in classroom teaching and learning process. The third round of observation is being conducted. Thereafter, data examination and discussions have been done during the third feedback session. Analysis of data has shown that the overall class engagement, teacher behaviors and setting variables have been improved throughout the process of action research. Besides, students’ problem social behavior has been decreased and teacher’s instructional practices have been improved to be more efficient as well. Therefore, no further observation is being scheduled. Instead, the teacher has been suggested to carry on with weekly review on the effort done on this action research to keep continuous classroom improvement.
A 2nd piece to share…Another 1 more pending.
Journal : Preventing School Failure
Author : Geoff Colvin, K. Brigid Flannery, George Sugai, and James Monegan
Year : 2009
Volume : 53
Number : 2
Page : 95-104
Educators face problem in improving both academic achievement and social behaviors of students. Thus this research has been carried out in order to assist educators in finding ways to help in student management improvement, by improving educators’ instructional practices. One useful strategy is to conduct classroom observations and provide performance feedback. This strategy is to focus on classroom instructional settings, instructional practice and classroom student behavior.
Some literature reviews has been done prior to this research. For instance, under some government acts, attention was being focused on identifying the most effective ways in increasing students’ academic achievements. Previous studies analysis has shown that school achievement improvement is always associated with the development of supportive infrastructure and the efficiency of classroom instructional practices. The key to develop efficient instructional practices is to provide teachers with performance feedback.
This research is being conducted by using classroom observation method to assess the relation between the classroom level of engagement and students’ social behaviors and the instructional practices used by their teacher, meanwhile giving performance feedback on effective instructional practices to improve the class engagement and their social behaviors. The participant of this research is a male teacher who is having problem in maintaining attention of his students and reducing side talk during his science class. He claims that he has tried all methods but none of the method seems to work on this particular class.
An observation of a 45 minutes block period on that particular ninth-grade science class after lunch has been conducted. A few steps of classroom observation instrument have been developed which includes identifying research-based effective instructional strategies, relating students’ engagement in instructional practices, relating teacher practices and students behavior, adjusting observation procedures, documenting and providing clear feedback to teacher. Data has been gathered in 3 variables, which are the setting of the class period, teacher’s behavior and class engagement. General information are being collected using a cover sheet, where a reference chart identifying the codes of the context of the teaching, teacher’s action and class behavior is built and all the coded options are being well defined. A recording form is being used to record the classroom observation for each of the ten intervals during 1 visit. Altogether 3 classroom visits has been done. 4 sets of 10 intervals observation have been conducted during each visit.
2 observers have been arranged to conduct observation in three separate classroom visits to field-test the observation instrument. They both discuss about the observation items, complete their observation and then meet up for discussion on observation result. By making comparison in and between these observation sessions, the consistencies, reliability, variability, and spread can be assessed. As for this research, the reliability coefficient of 93 % has been achieved through all the observations done.
After each round of observation, a review of the observation is being done by the teacher and observers to analyze the data collected and develop an action plan to modify instructional practices. The teacher is then continued on with the cycle of action research by implying action plan strategies which are developed from the first round of observation, into the process of teaching. Second round of observation is done by researchers, feedback session is being conducted together with the teacher and new summary statements are made based on the first and second observations done. The result shows that the students’ engagement in class has increased whereas off-task behavior has decreased. The action plan is then being modified again to get better improvement in classroom teaching and learning process. The third round of observation is being conducted. Thereafter, data examination and discussions have been done during the third feedback session. Analysis of data has shown that the overall class engagement, teacher behaviors and setting variables have been improved throughout the process of action research. Besides, students’ problem social behavior has been decreased and teacher’s instructional practices have been improved to be more efficient as well. Therefore, no further observation is being scheduled. Instead, the teacher has been suggested to carry on with weekly review on the effort done on this action research to keep continuous classroom improvement.
A 2nd piece to share…Another 1 more pending.
The comparison on the similarities & differentiations on samples, setting, procedure & analysis data are to be followed.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Tugasan 2 Journal Review (Part 1)
Title : Pupils as action researchers: improving something important in our lives
Journal : Educational Journal of Living Theories
Author : Branko Bognar and Marica Zovko
Year : 2009
Volume : 1
Number: 1
Page : 1-49
Although action research is developing all along these while in educational practice, yet, the role of participating pupils in action research has not fully explored. Realizing action research is not just about teaching strategies to gain better educational results but it is life itself, this particular research on 10-year-old students taking over the whole process of action research has been carried out. This research is only suitable to be done in child-oriented school whose main purpose is the development of the creative potentials of all participants. This research also shows that action research is meaningful only if students are engaged with it on their own interest, self-chosen values and on the basis of their own needs.
Some literature reviews have been done prior to the research, by referring to research ideas from Kurt Lewin, John Collier, Cooke, Hodgkins, Lippitt, Whitehead, Kemmis, McTaggart, McNiff, Stenhouse, Hegel and Bognar. Thereafter, Branko Bognar with the collaboration of Marica Zovko has started with this action research on the basis of assuming action research as a process of systematic and productive actions. Both Branko and Marica share the same educational values in the context of teaching and learning process, which emphasize much on freedom and creativity in teaching and learning. Realizing through a prior action research done by Bill Atweh’s, Clare Christensen’s and Louise Dornan’s (1998), that an action research in education will not give positive outcomes if the sample students cannot feel that they themselves are included in the research and they do not know how a particular action research may help them in their learning process, Branko and Marica have concluded that a very important part of an action research inquiry is to be the selection of concern made by students themselves.
The action research planned by Marica is different from Branko as Marica’s research concentrates on involving pupils actively in action research, while for Branko, his aim is to help teachers in the process of their action research. The research diaries are being posted on the internet forum regularly so that other action researchers can have discussion and always being updated with the progression of the research. As for data collection, video and audio records and photographs are the main sources in this research.
As a start, a group-interview has been conducted on Marica’s students to determine their understanding on their roles in this research. Students have been given full freedom to decide on whether to participate in this research or not.
The research is designed in that way, in which students are firstly being familiarized with some of the process of data-gathering, involving questionnaires, interviews, rating-scales and a research-diary through plays and engaging in some interesting activities. Then, students are to define their own values, and this followed by the determination of the shared values among all the students. Each morning, a conversation regarding action research is being conducted and any student can share their finding and actions with their classmates. After the morning meeting, further activities are being arranged in order to figure out the best way for implementing the suggestions given by students according to their values made. Data gathering is done through the form of playing and doing some stimulating activities. Throughout the process, students who are actively engaged in action research have become critical friends to their classmates, who can voice out their opinions, suggestions or critic on particular action research done by their friends. After 2 weeks of the action research being carried out by students, they start to analyze on their work. Meaning, the students are having self-evaluation as an element in completing the cycle of their action research. They tolerate praise and criticism and share their findings to the classmates. After the analysis presentation, some of the student action researchers feel satisfied with their action research and improvements, whereas some start to find their way out for better improvement. Following step, the students are then being taught of making reports on their action research being done and present it to others. At the final stage of the action research, reflection is being done using questionnaire. As the students act actively in their action research, Marica’s job is as a guide to them whenever they face with crises.
In Marica’s research, some students have not participated at all in the action research since the very first stage. Some students engaged actively in the research by making their own values, planning relevant activities to bring out the meaning of their set values. Some students participated at the early stage of the research, which is defining their own values, but later on, they started to loss interest and confident on carry on with the following steps. They seem to be lost somewhere else in the process, which the reason could be worrying on the unchangeable of the current condition.
As for Branko, his main role in this research is to guide Marica in helping students to become action researcher themselves. By doing so, he keeps track on Marica’s research diary from time to time and feedback accordingly. During the half way when the action research is towards an end, Branko has helped out Marica to check on whether the students are really understand with what they have done regarding action research, by conducting another group-interview. The answers from those participated students are satisfied and that have clearly shown that they are in full understanding on their own action research. To help Marica further in her action research, Branko has recommended 1 of his collaborative action researchers’ classroom to become validation group for Marica’s student action researchers’ reports on their action research inquiries. Thereafter, Marica repeats the whole process of action research again in her classroom so make all students clear on each steps involved.
Till then, just to share…
The comparison on the similarities & differentiations on samples, setting, procedure & analysis data are to be followed.
Journal : Educational Journal of Living Theories
Author : Branko Bognar and Marica Zovko
Year : 2009
Volume : 1
Number: 1
Page : 1-49
Although action research is developing all along these while in educational practice, yet, the role of participating pupils in action research has not fully explored. Realizing action research is not just about teaching strategies to gain better educational results but it is life itself, this particular research on 10-year-old students taking over the whole process of action research has been carried out. This research is only suitable to be done in child-oriented school whose main purpose is the development of the creative potentials of all participants. This research also shows that action research is meaningful only if students are engaged with it on their own interest, self-chosen values and on the basis of their own needs.
Some literature reviews have been done prior to the research, by referring to research ideas from Kurt Lewin, John Collier, Cooke, Hodgkins, Lippitt, Whitehead, Kemmis, McTaggart, McNiff, Stenhouse, Hegel and Bognar. Thereafter, Branko Bognar with the collaboration of Marica Zovko has started with this action research on the basis of assuming action research as a process of systematic and productive actions. Both Branko and Marica share the same educational values in the context of teaching and learning process, which emphasize much on freedom and creativity in teaching and learning. Realizing through a prior action research done by Bill Atweh’s, Clare Christensen’s and Louise Dornan’s (1998), that an action research in education will not give positive outcomes if the sample students cannot feel that they themselves are included in the research and they do not know how a particular action research may help them in their learning process, Branko and Marica have concluded that a very important part of an action research inquiry is to be the selection of concern made by students themselves.
The action research planned by Marica is different from Branko as Marica’s research concentrates on involving pupils actively in action research, while for Branko, his aim is to help teachers in the process of their action research. The research diaries are being posted on the internet forum regularly so that other action researchers can have discussion and always being updated with the progression of the research. As for data collection, video and audio records and photographs are the main sources in this research.
As a start, a group-interview has been conducted on Marica’s students to determine their understanding on their roles in this research. Students have been given full freedom to decide on whether to participate in this research or not.
The research is designed in that way, in which students are firstly being familiarized with some of the process of data-gathering, involving questionnaires, interviews, rating-scales and a research-diary through plays and engaging in some interesting activities. Then, students are to define their own values, and this followed by the determination of the shared values among all the students. Each morning, a conversation regarding action research is being conducted and any student can share their finding and actions with their classmates. After the morning meeting, further activities are being arranged in order to figure out the best way for implementing the suggestions given by students according to their values made. Data gathering is done through the form of playing and doing some stimulating activities. Throughout the process, students who are actively engaged in action research have become critical friends to their classmates, who can voice out their opinions, suggestions or critic on particular action research done by their friends. After 2 weeks of the action research being carried out by students, they start to analyze on their work. Meaning, the students are having self-evaluation as an element in completing the cycle of their action research. They tolerate praise and criticism and share their findings to the classmates. After the analysis presentation, some of the student action researchers feel satisfied with their action research and improvements, whereas some start to find their way out for better improvement. Following step, the students are then being taught of making reports on their action research being done and present it to others. At the final stage of the action research, reflection is being done using questionnaire. As the students act actively in their action research, Marica’s job is as a guide to them whenever they face with crises.
In Marica’s research, some students have not participated at all in the action research since the very first stage. Some students engaged actively in the research by making their own values, planning relevant activities to bring out the meaning of their set values. Some students participated at the early stage of the research, which is defining their own values, but later on, they started to loss interest and confident on carry on with the following steps. They seem to be lost somewhere else in the process, which the reason could be worrying on the unchangeable of the current condition.
As for Branko, his main role in this research is to guide Marica in helping students to become action researcher themselves. By doing so, he keeps track on Marica’s research diary from time to time and feedback accordingly. During the half way when the action research is towards an end, Branko has helped out Marica to check on whether the students are really understand with what they have done regarding action research, by conducting another group-interview. The answers from those participated students are satisfied and that have clearly shown that they are in full understanding on their own action research. To help Marica further in her action research, Branko has recommended 1 of his collaborative action researchers’ classroom to become validation group for Marica’s student action researchers’ reports on their action research inquiries. Thereafter, Marica repeats the whole process of action research again in her classroom so make all students clear on each steps involved.
Till then, just to share…
The comparison on the similarities & differentiations on samples, setting, procedure & analysis data are to be followed.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Kuliah ke-4
Steps in Action Research Process
Litereture review:
- review on books, journals, seminar articles & reports
- think critically while reading through
- required HOT (high level of thinking) -->make comparison and differentiation, analyze, evaluate, summarize, syntheses
- Make comparison & differentiation = look for the similarities of criteria (characteristics, quality etc)
- this technique is required when there are 2 or more characteristics/probabilities and also when doing selection/making decision
- Analyze = break down all the information into small pieces so that the concept can be understand easier, thereafter to figure out the hidden meaning
- this technique is used to understand about the relationship between small pieces/parts & know about the principle involved
- Evaluate = consider about an issue in terms of its pro and cons based on the valid evidences
- this technique is used when we tend to make decision on a selection or accept/oppose an idea
- Summarize = making facts on the outcomes of research based on hypotheses
- Synthesize = gather small parts of information together to form a cluster which all the small parts have link between each other, thereafter produce new statements for better understanding
Aktiviti Kumpulan 3
Kerja Kumpulan (Assarah Ahmad Suki, Wong Wan Heng, Siti Sarah Udzir)
Nyatakan 8 sebab mengapa orang menentang perubahan dan bincangkan cara penyelesaiannya.
Sebab menetang perubahan:
1. Routin hidup terganggu
2. Ketidakpastian hasil/impak
3. Kena membuat perancangan baru
4. Bukan kehendak diri individu
5. Hilang/luput kepentingan status
6. Masa yang diambil untuk implementasi perubahan boleh digunakan untuk melakukan perkara routin dengan lebih baik
7. Tidak nampak keperluan/kepentingan untuk berubah
8. Kurang motivasi
Cara penyelesaian:
1. Perlu ada sokongan penuh dari pihak berkuasa terhadap sesuatu perubahan yang dilakukan
2. Perlu mempunyai rangsangan luar untuk mencetus semangat ingin berubah
3. Memberi ganjaran yang berpatutan terhadap mereka yang berjaya mengendalikan perubahan
4. Mengikiraf jasa dan usaha yang telah dicurah demi melakukan perubahan
5. Menerap sikap positif dan proaktif
6. Menyediakan garis panduan yang jelas tentang perubahan yang hendak dilaksanakan
Nyatakan 8 sebab mengapa orang menentang perubahan dan bincangkan cara penyelesaiannya.
Sebab menetang perubahan:
1. Routin hidup terganggu
2. Ketidakpastian hasil/impak
3. Kena membuat perancangan baru
4. Bukan kehendak diri individu
5. Hilang/luput kepentingan status
6. Masa yang diambil untuk implementasi perubahan boleh digunakan untuk melakukan perkara routin dengan lebih baik
7. Tidak nampak keperluan/kepentingan untuk berubah
8. Kurang motivasi
Cara penyelesaian:
1. Perlu ada sokongan penuh dari pihak berkuasa terhadap sesuatu perubahan yang dilakukan
2. Perlu mempunyai rangsangan luar untuk mencetus semangat ingin berubah
3. Memberi ganjaran yang berpatutan terhadap mereka yang berjaya mengendalikan perubahan
4. Mengikiraf jasa dan usaha yang telah dicurah demi melakukan perubahan
5. Menerap sikap positif dan proaktif
6. Menyediakan garis panduan yang jelas tentang perubahan yang hendak dilaksanakan
Kuliah Minggu ke-3
Pengurusan Perubahan Dalam Pendidikan (Dr Mohd Izham)
Konsep perubahan dalam pendidikan:
- Perubahan didapti lebih menggambarkan ciri-ciripendidikan berbanding dengan kestabilan.
- Wujudnya ketidakpastian dalam perubahan
Jenis-jenis perubahan: (Mengikut Dessler, 1995)
1. Perubahan ke arah penigkatan (enhancement)
- perubahan yang memberi kesan kepada komponen-komponen tertentu dalam organisasi seperti berlaku perubahan dalam struktur organisasi, mengimplimentasi teknologi baru, mengadakan program pembangunan staf untuk meningkatkan komitmen dan produktiviti staf dsb
2. Perubahan strategic organisasi (organisasi berubah kerana persekitaran)
- perubahan yang melibatkan keseluruhan organisasi seperti mendefinisi semula peranan organisasi, mendefinisi semula staf dari segi tugas, peranan, tanggungjawab dan sistem ganjaran, perubahan nilai teras organisasi, pembentukan semula misi, perubahan struktur dan strategi organisasi dsb
3. Perubahan reaktif
- perubahan yang berlaku akibat tindakbalas langsung daripada pelanggan dan pihak berkepentingan (stakeholders)
- perubahan dari segi prosedur dan cara layanan pelanggan perlu dilakukan
4. Perubahan akibat jangkaan
- perubahan yang dilakukan ataas kesedaran dalam kalangan pihak pengurusan yang mana perubahan adalah diperlukan bagi memastikan organisasi memperolehi kebaikan kompetitif (membuat persiapan unuk mengahadapi pesaing baru yang bakal muncul, persiapan bagi menghadapi polisi kerajaan, perubahan dalam trend tenaga kerja dsb)
Ciri-ciri perubahan:
i. Perubahan adalah kompleks
- dikaikan dengan proses evolusi & revolusi
(evolusi: - perubahan yang menghasilkan kesan yang sedikit dalma tempoh yang panjang;
- mengakibatkan perubahan yang ketara dalam status quo
revolusi: - perubahan yang pantas
- meninggalkan kesan yang membinasakan)
- kompleksiti perubahan merupakan fokus bagi mendapatkan maklumat tentang perubahan dan tindakan yang perlu diambil untuk mengimplimentasikan perubahan
ii. Perubahan adalah multidimensi
- sebarang keputusan yang diambil untuk dilakukan perubahan melibatkan pelbagai pertimbangan, antaranya mengenalpasti semua dimensi yang berkaitan dengan perubahan
- terdapat 6 dimensi:
1. Tujuan perubahan
2. Unit perubahan
3. Sifat perubahan
4. Magnitud perubahan
5. Skop perubahan
6. Jangka masa perubahan
Model-model perubahan:
1. Model Penggabungan Roger
- Menurut model Roger, proses inovasi bermula apabila masalah atau keperluan telah dikenalpasti. Masalah atau keperluan ini mungkin berdasarkan penyelidikan keadaan semasa, kerja makmal atau jangkaan pembangunan akan datang
- Setelah masalah atau keperluan dikenalpasti, penyiasatan terhadap permasalahan dan cara penyelesaian dilakukan. Fasa ini melibatkan eksperiment dan cipaan yang banyak untuk menghasilkan inovasi.
- Roger (1995) turut mengaku bahawa inovasi tidak semestinya terhasil dari penyelidikan. Ia mungkin terhasil daripada amalan praktikal di mana pengamal mencari jawapan kepada permasalahan yang timbul (knowing-in-action)
2. Model Kanter
- Kanter (1998): struktur dan inovasi boleh difahami dengan lebih baik jika proses inovasi dibahagi kepada beberapa tugas utama: 1. Penjanaan idea 2. Pembinaa idea 3. Merealisasi idea 4. Pemindahan idea
3. Model Rand
- Tujuan utama kajian: menentukan faktor yang menyebabkan atau menghalang perubahan pendidikan
- memandu ke arah pengumpulan data dan analisis
4. Model ACOT
- berdasarkan Project Apple Classroom of Tomorrow – kajian pengenalan komputer di dalam bilik darjah
- Pengkaji menyimpulkan bahawa kehendak perubahan dalam P&P telah berkembang secara beransur-ansur
- 5 langkah perubahan dalam proses P&P:
1. Kemasukan
2. Pemilihan
3. Penyesuaian
4. Penggunaan
5. Mereka cipta
Konsep perubahan dalam pendidikan:
- Perubahan didapti lebih menggambarkan ciri-ciripendidikan berbanding dengan kestabilan.
- Wujudnya ketidakpastian dalam perubahan
Jenis-jenis perubahan: (Mengikut Dessler, 1995)
1. Perubahan ke arah penigkatan (enhancement)
- perubahan yang memberi kesan kepada komponen-komponen tertentu dalam organisasi seperti berlaku perubahan dalam struktur organisasi, mengimplimentasi teknologi baru, mengadakan program pembangunan staf untuk meningkatkan komitmen dan produktiviti staf dsb
2. Perubahan strategic organisasi (organisasi berubah kerana persekitaran)
- perubahan yang melibatkan keseluruhan organisasi seperti mendefinisi semula peranan organisasi, mendefinisi semula staf dari segi tugas, peranan, tanggungjawab dan sistem ganjaran, perubahan nilai teras organisasi, pembentukan semula misi, perubahan struktur dan strategi organisasi dsb
3. Perubahan reaktif
- perubahan yang berlaku akibat tindakbalas langsung daripada pelanggan dan pihak berkepentingan (stakeholders)
- perubahan dari segi prosedur dan cara layanan pelanggan perlu dilakukan
4. Perubahan akibat jangkaan
- perubahan yang dilakukan ataas kesedaran dalam kalangan pihak pengurusan yang mana perubahan adalah diperlukan bagi memastikan organisasi memperolehi kebaikan kompetitif (membuat persiapan unuk mengahadapi pesaing baru yang bakal muncul, persiapan bagi menghadapi polisi kerajaan, perubahan dalam trend tenaga kerja dsb)
Ciri-ciri perubahan:
i. Perubahan adalah kompleks
- dikaikan dengan proses evolusi & revolusi
(evolusi: - perubahan yang menghasilkan kesan yang sedikit dalma tempoh yang panjang;
- mengakibatkan perubahan yang ketara dalam status quo
revolusi: - perubahan yang pantas
- meninggalkan kesan yang membinasakan)
- kompleksiti perubahan merupakan fokus bagi mendapatkan maklumat tentang perubahan dan tindakan yang perlu diambil untuk mengimplimentasikan perubahan
ii. Perubahan adalah multidimensi
- sebarang keputusan yang diambil untuk dilakukan perubahan melibatkan pelbagai pertimbangan, antaranya mengenalpasti semua dimensi yang berkaitan dengan perubahan
- terdapat 6 dimensi:
1. Tujuan perubahan
2. Unit perubahan
3. Sifat perubahan
4. Magnitud perubahan
5. Skop perubahan
6. Jangka masa perubahan
Model-model perubahan:
1. Model Penggabungan Roger
- Menurut model Roger, proses inovasi bermula apabila masalah atau keperluan telah dikenalpasti. Masalah atau keperluan ini mungkin berdasarkan penyelidikan keadaan semasa, kerja makmal atau jangkaan pembangunan akan datang
- Setelah masalah atau keperluan dikenalpasti, penyiasatan terhadap permasalahan dan cara penyelesaian dilakukan. Fasa ini melibatkan eksperiment dan cipaan yang banyak untuk menghasilkan inovasi.
- Roger (1995) turut mengaku bahawa inovasi tidak semestinya terhasil dari penyelidikan. Ia mungkin terhasil daripada amalan praktikal di mana pengamal mencari jawapan kepada permasalahan yang timbul (knowing-in-action)
2. Model Kanter
- Kanter (1998): struktur dan inovasi boleh difahami dengan lebih baik jika proses inovasi dibahagi kepada beberapa tugas utama: 1. Penjanaan idea 2. Pembinaa idea 3. Merealisasi idea 4. Pemindahan idea
3. Model Rand
- Tujuan utama kajian: menentukan faktor yang menyebabkan atau menghalang perubahan pendidikan
- memandu ke arah pengumpulan data dan analisis
4. Model ACOT
- berdasarkan Project Apple Classroom of Tomorrow – kajian pengenalan komputer di dalam bilik darjah
- Pengkaji menyimpulkan bahawa kehendak perubahan dalam P&P telah berkembang secara beransur-ansur
- 5 langkah perubahan dalam proses P&P:
1. Kemasukan
2. Pemilihan
3. Penyesuaian
4. Penggunaan
5. Mereka cipta
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tugasan 1: Ulasan Buku
Title : Participatory Action Research for Educational Leadership – Using Data-driven and Decision Making to Improve Schools
Author : E. Alana James, Margaret T. Milenkiewicz, Alan Bucknam
Year of publication: 2008
Publisher : Sage Publications
Participatory Action Research (PAR) is a useful tool for educators, whether working alone or in groups, to develop efficient methods in the effort of improving classroom teaching and learning. They are a few reasons why educators should carry out PAR. Among all, PAR practitioners can develop their professional capacity through critical reflection. Local expertise can be developed and the practitioners are more motivated about their work by carrying out PAR studies.
PAR research group (project team) is a group of people in different roles who are willing to work together in a collaborative environment without hierarchy. Educational issue is selected and studied by these participatory groups. Sometimes, the participatory groups may need the involvement of students, their families or other parties. A few steps used in PAR process: Diagnose, Act, Measure and Reflect.
(i) Diagnose: PAR team identified the topic to be studied, doing theory and literally research regarding what others have done in the similar situations.
(ii) Act: Based on the research done during Diagnose stage, PAR team plans possible action and ways to measure the topic identified, in order to increase level of effectiveness.
(iii) Measure: PAR team implements action planned to achieve student-level outcomes, and this followed by measurement of how their actions affected the populations they are studying.
(iv) Reflect: PAR team reflects their process, actions and outcomes individually and then as a group. During the reflection, they also brainstorm alternatives situations and plan for additional actions for improvement.
In short, the logical model of PAR involved the basic process, including identifying problem for research purpose, literature review, establishment of theoretical and practical understanding of the particular issue, data collection and analysis and finally results reporting.
After completed one cycle of PAR steps, PAR team starts the same series of steps again and this creates a cyclical motion of increasing knowledge and understanding, then implementing change based on their data findings.
Procedures involved in planning PAR first draft of logical model are as below:
Step 1: Build a five-column, three-row table. Each column is given a heading with the arrangement followed as per below:
Questions to be addressed, Previous studies, Variables elements to be measured, Local measurements and Form of analysis.
As many columns are to be filled as possible.
Step 2: Add in two more research questions that are closely aligned to the favorite example of a purpose statement in the first column of each of the two blank rows.
Step 3: Insert as many types of research methods or data collection methods that make sense to the consideration on how to measure experiences which can help in answering the selected research question.
Step 4: Time Line and Personal Responsible may be added into the table (in additional two more columns) which can help in establishing due dates for individual team member accountability of the divided work asks.
Step 5: Share the first draft of logical model with other PAR participants. Discuss similarities, differences or questions that may occurred.
Some ethical considerations that form the foundation on the designation on each PAR cycle including obtain informed consent, do no harm, respect confidentiality, develop knowledge, hold to validity, credibility and reliability as standards, act to the benefit of others, report results honestly.
PAR requires both qualitative and quantitative data collection. Qualitative data collection methods involve data collected directly in words from people (interviewing individuals or groups selected as participatory samples), data collected once or throughout a process of change (handwritten or verbal account of evens over time through reflective journals or field notes (by observation on events)) and data collected during the event(s) being studied (using anecdotal evidence and logs or observations). Qualitative data collection is subject to biases of the samples involved both in collecting the evidence and in providing it. Qualitative data analysis requires sorting and re-sorting data until theoretical understandings emerged. PAR teams starts with reviewing the evidences being collected followed by determining the validity, credibility and reliability of the analysis. PAR teams achieve these objectives by having discussion on whether and to what extend the conclusions made match the evidence, and also challenging whether and to what extend evidence collected is adequate.
As for Quantitative a collection, the methods involved are observations, surveys or questionnaires, samples selection and time series. After the quantitative data has been sufficiently collected, PAR teams are to analyze the data using descriptive analysis (mean, percentage of frequencies and standard deviation). Besides, t-test and correlation can be utilized in testing whether and to what extent certain results correlate with other characteristics.
All the data analysis has to meet the validity, credibility and reliability. Validity means the degree to which data and results are accurate reflections of reality. Credibility is the degree to which the person reading the report thinks the conclusions make sense. Whereas reliability means the consistency of the research findings in general.
At the end of each PAR cycle, PAR teams will take time to review the preliminary analysis to ensure on their increased understanding resulting from the cycle. Thereafter, they will make the final report on the whole process of the cycle of PAR. They may present their writing in the form of formal report, informal individual report or even community report.
As overall evaluation towards this guidebook, I found it to be a useful guide for us as the beginners in the field of action research, seeking clearer concepts regarding action research, trying to understand those process and steps involved in action research. It does contain some relevant examples in implementation of action research in teaching and learning improvement. Besides, this book displayed reflective questions after each topic of discussion. This provides the readers (research action practitioners) a platform to review their steps taken from time to time during the implementation of action research, to ensure that they are always be in the correct track..
Author : E. Alana James, Margaret T. Milenkiewicz, Alan Bucknam
Year of publication: 2008
Publisher : Sage Publications
Participatory Action Research (PAR) is a useful tool for educators, whether working alone or in groups, to develop efficient methods in the effort of improving classroom teaching and learning. They are a few reasons why educators should carry out PAR. Among all, PAR practitioners can develop their professional capacity through critical reflection. Local expertise can be developed and the practitioners are more motivated about their work by carrying out PAR studies.
PAR research group (project team) is a group of people in different roles who are willing to work together in a collaborative environment without hierarchy. Educational issue is selected and studied by these participatory groups. Sometimes, the participatory groups may need the involvement of students, their families or other parties. A few steps used in PAR process: Diagnose, Act, Measure and Reflect.
(i) Diagnose: PAR team identified the topic to be studied, doing theory and literally research regarding what others have done in the similar situations.
(ii) Act: Based on the research done during Diagnose stage, PAR team plans possible action and ways to measure the topic identified, in order to increase level of effectiveness.
(iii) Measure: PAR team implements action planned to achieve student-level outcomes, and this followed by measurement of how their actions affected the populations they are studying.
(iv) Reflect: PAR team reflects their process, actions and outcomes individually and then as a group. During the reflection, they also brainstorm alternatives situations and plan for additional actions for improvement.
In short, the logical model of PAR involved the basic process, including identifying problem for research purpose, literature review, establishment of theoretical and practical understanding of the particular issue, data collection and analysis and finally results reporting.
After completed one cycle of PAR steps, PAR team starts the same series of steps again and this creates a cyclical motion of increasing knowledge and understanding, then implementing change based on their data findings.
Procedures involved in planning PAR first draft of logical model are as below:
Step 1: Build a five-column, three-row table. Each column is given a heading with the arrangement followed as per below:
Questions to be addressed, Previous studies, Variables elements to be measured, Local measurements and Form of analysis.
As many columns are to be filled as possible.
Step 2: Add in two more research questions that are closely aligned to the favorite example of a purpose statement in the first column of each of the two blank rows.
Step 3: Insert as many types of research methods or data collection methods that make sense to the consideration on how to measure experiences which can help in answering the selected research question.
Step 4: Time Line and Personal Responsible may be added into the table (in additional two more columns) which can help in establishing due dates for individual team member accountability of the divided work asks.
Step 5: Share the first draft of logical model with other PAR participants. Discuss similarities, differences or questions that may occurred.
Some ethical considerations that form the foundation on the designation on each PAR cycle including obtain informed consent, do no harm, respect confidentiality, develop knowledge, hold to validity, credibility and reliability as standards, act to the benefit of others, report results honestly.
PAR requires both qualitative and quantitative data collection. Qualitative data collection methods involve data collected directly in words from people (interviewing individuals or groups selected as participatory samples), data collected once or throughout a process of change (handwritten or verbal account of evens over time through reflective journals or field notes (by observation on events)) and data collected during the event(s) being studied (using anecdotal evidence and logs or observations). Qualitative data collection is subject to biases of the samples involved both in collecting the evidence and in providing it. Qualitative data analysis requires sorting and re-sorting data until theoretical understandings emerged. PAR teams starts with reviewing the evidences being collected followed by determining the validity, credibility and reliability of the analysis. PAR teams achieve these objectives by having discussion on whether and to what extend the conclusions made match the evidence, and also challenging whether and to what extend evidence collected is adequate.
As for Quantitative a collection, the methods involved are observations, surveys or questionnaires, samples selection and time series. After the quantitative data has been sufficiently collected, PAR teams are to analyze the data using descriptive analysis (mean, percentage of frequencies and standard deviation). Besides, t-test and correlation can be utilized in testing whether and to what extent certain results correlate with other characteristics.
All the data analysis has to meet the validity, credibility and reliability. Validity means the degree to which data and results are accurate reflections of reality. Credibility is the degree to which the person reading the report thinks the conclusions make sense. Whereas reliability means the consistency of the research findings in general.
At the end of each PAR cycle, PAR teams will take time to review the preliminary analysis to ensure on their increased understanding resulting from the cycle. Thereafter, they will make the final report on the whole process of the cycle of PAR. They may present their writing in the form of formal report, informal individual report or even community report.
As overall evaluation towards this guidebook, I found it to be a useful guide for us as the beginners in the field of action research, seeking clearer concepts regarding action research, trying to understand those process and steps involved in action research. It does contain some relevant examples in implementation of action research in teaching and learning improvement. Besides, this book displayed reflective questions after each topic of discussion. This provides the readers (research action practitioners) a platform to review their steps taken from time to time during the implementation of action research, to ensure that they are always be in the correct track..
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Aktiviti Kumpulan
Aktiviti Kumpulan (Assarah Ahmad Suki, Wong Wan Heng, Siti Sarah Udzir)
Selepas mengikuti kursus kaedah mengajar:
- Refleksi ke atas masalah/penambahbaikan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran sesuatu tajuk
- Cadangkan 1 strategi/kaedah pengajaran unuk mengatasi masalah itu.
1. Masalah yang dihadapi:
- kekurangan pengetahuan isi kandungan (content knowledge)
- lemah dalam kawalan kelas
- terlalu bergantung kepada ICT (Powerpoint dan sebagainya)
2. Penambahbaikan/Strategi:
- tingkatkan pembacaan melalui pelbagai media
- pembelajaran sepanjang hayat
- mengambil inisiatif sendiri untuk menyertai kursus, seminar atau membuat bengkel perkongsian maklumat.
- memperbaiki kemahiran komunikasi
- menigkatkan keterampilan guru, memainkan perwatakan sebagai seorang guru yang berkeyakinan dan berilmu pengetahuan
- mempelbagaikan penggunaan BBM untuk menarik perhatian pelajar
- mengaplikasikan teori tingkah laku, teori pengurusan bilik darjah dan teori motivasi
- membuat persediaan awal yang lebih terancang
3. Matlamat:
- menyediakan diri sebagai guru yang berilmu pengetahuan, berketerampilan, berpemikiran kreatif dan kritis
4. Objektif:
- menambahkan pengetahuan dalam sesuatu topik khusus dalam bidang Biologi
- meningkatkan kemahiran pengawalan kelas yang berkesan
- menjana kreativiti untuk menjadikan aktiviti pengajaran lebih menarik
5. Pengumpulan data:
- membuat penilaian formatif terhadap pelajar (dari aspek isi kandungan pembelajaran) dari semasa ke semasa
- membuat soalan uji diri yang dapat diperolehi melalui buku-buku rujukan, internet dan sebagainya untuk mengetahui tahap pengetahuan dan penguasaan diri terhadap sesuatu isi kandungan pembelajaran
- membuat soal selidik penilaian guru dari perspektif pelajar
6. Pemantauan:
- membuat refleksi diri dari semasa ke semasa
- membuat ‘checklist’ untuk memastikan setiap langkah penambahbaikan sentiasa dipraktikkan
7. Penilaian:
- mendapatkan maklumbalas daripada pelajar dan rakan sekerja tentang penambahbaikan yang dilaksanakan
- meninjau semula dan menilai perkara-perkara dalam ‘checklist’ penambahbaikan berdasarkan data yang diperolahi untuk mengenalpasti masalah atau pencapaian yang diperolehi.
Selepas mengikuti kursus kaedah mengajar:
- Refleksi ke atas masalah/penambahbaikan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran sesuatu tajuk
- Cadangkan 1 strategi/kaedah pengajaran unuk mengatasi masalah itu.
1. Masalah yang dihadapi:
- kekurangan pengetahuan isi kandungan (content knowledge)
- lemah dalam kawalan kelas
- terlalu bergantung kepada ICT (Powerpoint dan sebagainya)
2. Penambahbaikan/Strategi:
- tingkatkan pembacaan melalui pelbagai media
- pembelajaran sepanjang hayat
- mengambil inisiatif sendiri untuk menyertai kursus, seminar atau membuat bengkel perkongsian maklumat.
- memperbaiki kemahiran komunikasi
- menigkatkan keterampilan guru, memainkan perwatakan sebagai seorang guru yang berkeyakinan dan berilmu pengetahuan
- mempelbagaikan penggunaan BBM untuk menarik perhatian pelajar
- mengaplikasikan teori tingkah laku, teori pengurusan bilik darjah dan teori motivasi
- membuat persediaan awal yang lebih terancang
3. Matlamat:
- menyediakan diri sebagai guru yang berilmu pengetahuan, berketerampilan, berpemikiran kreatif dan kritis
4. Objektif:
- menambahkan pengetahuan dalam sesuatu topik khusus dalam bidang Biologi
- meningkatkan kemahiran pengawalan kelas yang berkesan
- menjana kreativiti untuk menjadikan aktiviti pengajaran lebih menarik
5. Pengumpulan data:
- membuat penilaian formatif terhadap pelajar (dari aspek isi kandungan pembelajaran) dari semasa ke semasa
- membuat soalan uji diri yang dapat diperolehi melalui buku-buku rujukan, internet dan sebagainya untuk mengetahui tahap pengetahuan dan penguasaan diri terhadap sesuatu isi kandungan pembelajaran
- membuat soal selidik penilaian guru dari perspektif pelajar
6. Pemantauan:
- membuat refleksi diri dari semasa ke semasa
- membuat ‘checklist’ untuk memastikan setiap langkah penambahbaikan sentiasa dipraktikkan
7. Penilaian:
- mendapatkan maklumbalas daripada pelajar dan rakan sekerja tentang penambahbaikan yang dilaksanakan
- meninjau semula dan menilai perkara-perkara dalam ‘checklist’ penambahbaikan berdasarkan data yang diperolahi untuk mengenalpasti masalah atau pencapaian yang diperolehi.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Refleksi (selepas mengikuti program BIG)
Aktiviti Individu
Selepas mengikuti Program BIG, buatkan refleksi ke atas masalah diri anda
- senaraikan penambahbaikan yang diperlukan dalam diri anda
- rancang plan tindakan untuk menambahbaik
- matlamat
- objektif
- pelan tindakan
- nyatakan langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil
- rancang bagaimana anda ingin mengumpul data
- bagaimana anda ingin memantau apa yang dirancag dilaksanakan
- bagaimana anda ingin menilai samada apa yang dirancang dan dilaksanakan mencapai
Penambahbaikan yang diperlukan:
- membina daya kepimpinan dan teknik komunikasi secara berkesan
- melatih pemikiran kreatif dan kritis
- membina keyakinan diri
- membina insan diri yang seimbang dan harmonis dengan kehadiran unsur-unsur intelek, rohani, emosi dan jasmani
- menghasilkan diri yang berdaya kepimpinan serta dapat berkomunikasi secara berkesan
- menjadikan diri sebagai individu yang dapat berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis
- memupuk keyakinan diri yang lebih mantap dan berketerampilan
Langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil:
- memerhati cara orang yang berdaya kepimpinan memimpin dan memberi arahan, membelajari teknik memimpin secara pemerhatian terhadap pengalaman orang yang mempunyai daya kepimpinan yang tinggi (Pembelajaran Vikarious)
- mempelbagaikan bahan-bahan bacaan yang diperoleh dari pelbagai media untuk mencetus pemikiran kreatif dan kritis
- mempraktikkan teknik kepimpinan dan mengaplikasikan teknik komunikasi secara berkesan apabila berpeluang berbuat demikian
- menghadiri kursus kepimpinan dan kem motivasi yang bersifat pembinaan diri insan
Pengumpulan data:
- mendapatkan pandangan terhadap daya kepimpinan, tahap keyakinan dan cara berkomunikasi dalam diri saya daripada rakan sebaya dan pensyarah
- membuat jadual berkala tentang bahan bacaan yang telah dibaca dan akan dibaca
- membuat refleksi diri dari semasa ke semasa
- mendapatkan maklumbalas daripada rakan sebaya dan pensyarah tentang penambahbaikan yang telah dilaksanakan, mengkaji maklumbalas yang dikumpul untuk meninjau langkah penambahbaikan yang seterusnya.
Selepas mengikuti Program BIG, buatkan refleksi ke atas masalah diri anda
- senaraikan penambahbaikan yang diperlukan dalam diri anda
- rancang plan tindakan untuk menambahbaik
- matlamat
- objektif
- pelan tindakan
- nyatakan langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil
- rancang bagaimana anda ingin mengumpul data
- bagaimana anda ingin memantau apa yang dirancag dilaksanakan
- bagaimana anda ingin menilai samada apa yang dirancang dan dilaksanakan mencapai
Penambahbaikan yang diperlukan:
- membina daya kepimpinan dan teknik komunikasi secara berkesan
- melatih pemikiran kreatif dan kritis
- membina keyakinan diri
- membina insan diri yang seimbang dan harmonis dengan kehadiran unsur-unsur intelek, rohani, emosi dan jasmani
- menghasilkan diri yang berdaya kepimpinan serta dapat berkomunikasi secara berkesan
- menjadikan diri sebagai individu yang dapat berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis
- memupuk keyakinan diri yang lebih mantap dan berketerampilan
Langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil:
- memerhati cara orang yang berdaya kepimpinan memimpin dan memberi arahan, membelajari teknik memimpin secara pemerhatian terhadap pengalaman orang yang mempunyai daya kepimpinan yang tinggi (Pembelajaran Vikarious)
- mempelbagaikan bahan-bahan bacaan yang diperoleh dari pelbagai media untuk mencetus pemikiran kreatif dan kritis
- mempraktikkan teknik kepimpinan dan mengaplikasikan teknik komunikasi secara berkesan apabila berpeluang berbuat demikian
- menghadiri kursus kepimpinan dan kem motivasi yang bersifat pembinaan diri insan
Pengumpulan data:
- mendapatkan pandangan terhadap daya kepimpinan, tahap keyakinan dan cara berkomunikasi dalam diri saya daripada rakan sebaya dan pensyarah
- membuat jadual berkala tentang bahan bacaan yang telah dibaca dan akan dibaca
- membuat refleksi diri dari semasa ke semasa
- mendapatkan maklumbalas daripada rakan sebaya dan pensyarah tentang penambahbaikan yang telah dilaksanakan, mengkaji maklumbalas yang dikumpul untuk meninjau langkah penambahbaikan yang seterusnya.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
1st Lecture
What is Action Research?
Action research = a disciplined process of inquiry conducted by and for those taking the action, to assist the actor in improving or refining his/her actions
(an investigation conducted by the person or the people empowered to take action concerning their own actions, for the purpose of improving their future actions)
- Sagor (2000)
√ Action research is a quest for knowledge about how to improve
X problem-solving in the sense of trying to find out what is wrong.
√ Action research is about how we can do things better
X learning why we do certain things.
It involves people working to improve their skills, strategies and techniques.
Process of Action Research:
1. Look at the situation
Gather relevant data – define & describe – build a picture to describe the situation
2. Think about the situation
Explore & analyze – what is happening here – interpret & explain – how & why are things the way they are
3. Act
Plan – implement – evaluate
Steps of Action Research:
1. Identification of problem area
2. Collection and organization of data
3. Interpretation of data
4. Action based on data
5. Reflection
When these actions begin to change the students attitudes/school environment, another different set of circumstances may appear with different problem posed, which required a new look. Thus, the cycle of action research can be seen as below:

Types of Action Research:
1. Individual
- focus on a single issue in a classroom
- teacher may be seeking solutions to problems of classroom management, instructional strategies, use of materials, or student learning.
- example: a teacher is seeking solution on how to improve her teaching strategies to make boring history subject interesting
2. Collaborative
- 2 or more teachers involves
- focus on a common problem shared by single or many classrooms
- example: a few science teachers working together to design interesting laboratory experiments for the form 3 students
3. School-wide
- focus on a common issue in a school
- example: a school is working out solutions to improve the discipline in the school
4. District-wide
- focus on a common issue shared by several schools in the same district
- example: the district board of education is finding ways to improve the study environment among the schools in the district
Action research = a disciplined process of inquiry conducted by and for those taking the action, to assist the actor in improving or refining his/her actions
(an investigation conducted by the person or the people empowered to take action concerning their own actions, for the purpose of improving their future actions)
- Sagor (2000)
√ Action research is a quest for knowledge about how to improve
X problem-solving in the sense of trying to find out what is wrong.
√ Action research is about how we can do things better
X learning why we do certain things.
It involves people working to improve their skills, strategies and techniques.
Process of Action Research:
1. Look at the situation
Gather relevant data – define & describe – build a picture to describe the situation
2. Think about the situation
Explore & analyze – what is happening here – interpret & explain – how & why are things the way they are
3. Act
Plan – implement – evaluate
Steps of Action Research:
1. Identification of problem area
2. Collection and organization of data
3. Interpretation of data
4. Action based on data
5. Reflection
When these actions begin to change the students attitudes/school environment, another different set of circumstances may appear with different problem posed, which required a new look. Thus, the cycle of action research can be seen as below:

Types of Action Research:
1. Individual
- focus on a single issue in a classroom
- teacher may be seeking solutions to problems of classroom management, instructional strategies, use of materials, or student learning.
- example: a teacher is seeking solution on how to improve her teaching strategies to make boring history subject interesting
2. Collaborative
- 2 or more teachers involves
- focus on a common problem shared by single or many classrooms
- example: a few science teachers working together to design interesting laboratory experiments for the form 3 students
3. School-wide
- focus on a common issue in a school
- example: a school is working out solutions to improve the discipline in the school
4. District-wide
- focus on a common issue shared by several schools in the same district
- example: the district board of education is finding ways to improve the study environment among the schools in the district
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