Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tugasan 2 Journal Review (Part 3)

Title : Love and critique in guiding student teachers
Journal : Educational Journal of Living Theories
Author : Sigrid Gjotterud
Year : 2009
Volume : 2
Number : 1
Page : 68-95

Supervising and guiding student teachers is not an easy task. Thus this action research has been carried out in order to determine how the notion of love and critique can change the supervisors’ practice in guiding student teachers.

Sigrid started this research by defining the meaning of love and constructive critique through various literature reviews. He then further assimilates his understanding on love and critique with his practices in guiding student teachers. This action research is formed by Sigrid and a group of teacher educators, as co-operative action researcher.

By referring to the 4 phases of co-operative inquiry cycles designed by Heron and Reason (2001), this action research has been designed to have 4 phases as well for the co-operative action research being carried out in this particular group of teacher educators. Considering about those reflections expressed by previous semester’s students, in phase 1, this group of co-operative action researchers have decided on the need to improve their guiding practice. In phase 2, this group of action researchers make themselves as a subject in their research. Meaning, they themselves involved actively as part of the samples in their research. They plan their action, apply their action, conduct reflection and also document the whole process and outcome of their practice. Phase 2 and 3 are repeated cycles in the sense that each of the action researchers is addressing the same issue for improvement, or some may choose to have different aspect for improvement. They observe their own action during guiding and teaching, and then reflect they action individually. After compiling data for some time, in phase 4, they gather and share their experiences together.

As his samples of participant, Sigrid has chosen 3 students cases to be his research target, for him to make some improvement in the 3 cases. Case 1 concerned a student with online guiding and through criticism, to determine on Sigrid’s practice that has been influenced by his colleagues’ guiding practice. Case 2 dealt with interviewing student by the mean of love, from time to time to get feedback on the level of satisfaction in learning and also keep improving teaching and guiding strategies according to student’s demand. Case 3 is another case with online guiding together with face-to-face encounters, making the sample student to believe in her writing ability through praising her. It is a lost that there has no any video recording being taken throughout the research. This means all the data being collected can only be delivered to others through written reports, without concrete visual narrative. For each case studied, Sigrid has listed down the challenge or problem that may occur, then the solution on how the problem being solved and what can he gain through the case studied.
Besides the three student samples, Sigrid has taken himself as a sample. He has attended to his supervisor’s music concert. With no any knowledge regarding that particular music presented by his supervisor, he has made straightforward critique, regardless the feeling of his supervisor and he has forgotten that he holds intention to have inquiry and humble discussion with his supervisor.

By the effort done by Sigrid and colleagues, their student teachers start to practice co-operative action research during their practical period in practical-school. The cycle of plan, act, observe, reflect and new plan continues till their aims being achieved or they get start with a new dimension of teaching and learning improvement.

Through the research being carried out above, Sigrid concluded that as student teacher, one should have awareness on students’ value and provide them opportunities to discover them, prior preparation is important before entering into student-teacher role, emotion is an important factor to be taken note in term of self development. Sigrid has accepted the notion of love and critique as a need in his guiding improvement. About Sigrid’s critique on his supervisor’s music, his supervisor has finally accepted his critique as constructive critique and has made some improvement on his music. Therefore, taking others critique in a positive manner, with the intention to improve in guiding actions, is also an important element to be implied in teacher educators.

3rd piece for sharing…
The comparisons between these 3 journals….to follow.

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